California, USAKingofthehill475 years ago

Join the Super Metroid Extension Board on discord and post a video of the category in the "category-submissions" channel

benang: The Site
California, USAKingofthehill475 years ago

I personally thought the light mode + green theme and navbar were hideous. I now use night mode (including navbar color) and a white theme color, which looks a lot better. Still, I find it quite bland compared to how it was before. I felt the custom themes and backgrounds were appealing and made the site a lot more interesting. I feel that it would've been better to give people the option of disabling custom backgrounds rather than forcing it on everyone by removing them all. Other than that, I'm indifferent towards this update. The text layout will take some getting used to, but that's just how updates are.

I'm not aware of all the challenges required to make these changes or every single thing that still needs to be fixed. These are just my initial thoughts.

Imaproshaman dan Ian07 menyukai ini
California, USAKingofthehill476 years ago

Yes it's based on the honor system, so vids and verification are not required. Especially with your first few runs assuming it's over an hour, there shouldn't be a problem. I think you should start filming in some way by sub hour and I think people will start getting suspicious of sub 50 submissions with no video. I totally get if you can't film or it's hard to do so, though. I wasn't able to film any of my runs till I got around 54 minutes any% or something. Still, if you can film, then it would be best to do that even if it isn't required in the rules.

If you have more questions or anything, join the discord: https://discord.gg/rT2fWZt

SaltDevil_ menyukai ini
California, USAKingofthehill476 years ago

Alright. Is there a specific place on the super metroid discord server where I should bring this up?

California, USAKingofthehill476 years ago

So if I post a run in this forum, it'll be added or at least reviewed? I can do that tonight when I have time. As for the 100%, I mean that spacetime beam cannot be used more than once to start the run with more than 100% of the items (more than 14 energy tanks, 4 reserve tanks, 230 missiles, 50 supers, and 50 powerbombs) although regular missiles are lost at the start of the game.

California, USAKingofthehill476 years ago

Let me know if this already exists or if this idea has been brought up before. Prior to the run, one would collect all the items they want (not to exceed 100% item collection) and then use the spacetime beam to reset the events. Then, they would go back to the ship and save then reset. Reloading the save file would go through the starting dialogue and from there one would set up the save file the way they would for an any% run. It's a lot of preparation, but it's essentially a new game+ category, which I think would be fun to add. Is this category a possibility?

benang: Contra
California, USAKingofthehill478 years ago

I know that in low%, I can't collect any items, but if I accidentally pick one up, can I just kill myself so that I lose the weapon or is the run invalid at that point?

California, USAKingofthehill478 years ago

I'm not really equating being on a mac to being banned on twitch. I just don't know why it's not appearing on twitch.

California, USAKingofthehill478 years ago

I've seen videos on how to set this streaming software up. I connected it to my twitch account, set the video and audio sources, and set up the output settings. However, when I go to my twitch page while I'm streaming, it says I'm offline. How can I get my cocoasplit stream to appear on twitch?

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