benang: Jet Moto
Baden-Württemberg, GermanyKeksilu11 months ago

So i've checked fps of my PC-version using nvidias overlay counter. It shows 30 pfs ingame (and about a 1000 in menus but that should not matter)

benang: Jet Moto
Baden-Württemberg, GermanyKeksilu11 months ago

So i asked around further since making this post. And it seems there are time differences between PAL and American versions of the game.

@RaGeNyC My problem isn't neccessarily that real and ingame timers are different. My problem is that the ingame timers of different versions of the game are inconsistent/different to each other.

For example my time on Ice Crusher would not be the top 1 if i would have played on the american version of the game.

Since it seems possible to just download the game (Pal version i think) it may be viable to keep things as they are. (but to me using the real time might be more fair. But i also understand that this would mean work to retime runs and might not be worth it given how 'not active' the category is)

It might also be possible that the gameplay/physics of the game are different between versions. But i would need to investigate further.

The guys in the discord server i linked also have their own website with timed records

ps. thx RaGeNyC for actively moderating

RaGeNyC menyukai ini
benang: Jet Moto
Baden-Württemberg, GermanyKeksilu1 year ago


So, am i correct that runs so far use the ingame timer to rank/set times for the leaderboards?

I planned to submit some runs myself* , however i noticed that my ingame times and the respective timestamps in the video dont match up.

For example here:

The run starts at second 0:22 and ends at 3:51 making it a time of 3:29. But the ingame timer shows a 2:43.2.

A similar behaviour can be seen an the video of the current wr by Nightbarrel:

Here the run starts at second 0:11 and ends at 3:22 making it a 3:11 (ingame: 2:59.5).

So while my ingame time is better, my video time is worse. So is it safe to assume that the ingame timer is inconsistent?

Is there a posibility that i setup my game wrong (difficulty setting etc.) ?

The video unfortunately doesnt show it but here's a photo:

So far i guess that the timer might inconsistent between different hardware plattforms. I might need to investigate further?

I've got the game on: psn(ps3, psvita), PC(german disk, download from this discord server: https://discord.com/invite/WfE3Dvd)

Has anyone else an idea what could be the cause of this?

kind regards,


  • I already did submit a time for ice crusher. @Nightbarrel Feel free to deny that time or change the time based on the video.
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