IrelandKaotiqx2 years ago

I know this is probably going to get a "no" but I just want to clarify. Are macros that freeze your fps at a certain level at the press of a button (e.g freeze at 60FPS just before doing a wall hop) banned along with macros that flick your camera for you?

IrelandKaotiqx4 years ago

So according to the rules, if you do a solo run in a public Server you must press every button or run is considered coop.

I just want to clear one thing up for when there is more than 3 people in a public server (which there often is) and the multi button comes into play. Obviously other people are also going to have to press the button so you can continue to progress the level, my question is whether or not a run is considered valid if you press every button but other people had to press the multi buttons also.

IrelandKaotiqx4 years ago

So Flee The Facility speedrunning was setup around 3 years ago. Since then there has been multiple changes to the game and me and @CorruptCow feel there is a need for change in some categories/rules. Please feel free to comment on this whether or not you are a moderator as this is not just our decision to make, we do not own the board. If you have any other rule/category change suggestions, please state them here also.

  1. More than one player slot for multiplayer runs: In the Survivor% Multiplayer Category, only the person who submits the run to the board gets their name on it, the other participants get little to no credit for it, which is very unfair to them when they were part of that run and deserve to be recognized for it, especially if it's on the podium. The same rules apply for only one person having to record and submit to speedrun, but if anyone else wants to submit their perspective that is completely fine. However, if only one person is recording, they should have to record the other participants escaping (in game or spectating) to ensure they do not glitch through the exit.

  2. More Survivor & Beast% Categories There is currently no rules for the amount of players that have to be in the game for Beast and Survivor% runs, and beating any of the current records is based almost completely on RNG instead of skill. So, we could just add a category for 1p, 2p, 3p and 4p for both Survivor and Beast% to add more variety and making it so everybody starts off on the same boat in each category, thus making it more skill based rather than RNG based.

  3. Categories for each map To enforce everyone starting off on the same boat and making the FTF board more organized, we could add a category for each map.

The current categories are very vague and I think we really need to add more variety for speedrunners, it makes it more fair and overall more enjoyable. These are all my suggestions, please feel free to suggest anything you feel should be changed/added.

-SpriteDaLegend (& CorruptCow)

IrelandKaotiqx4 years ago

For multiplayer, instead of just one person submitting a run and pretty much getting all the credit for it, should we add an option where you can fill in the other participants names? Two people submitted their run on both their profiles but this also moves other people's placements down when it's just the same run? Thoughts?

Pyridium menyukai ini
IrelandKaotiqx4 years ago

Instead of having a separate category for VIP servers, we could just put an option for Beast and Survivor (Solo + Multiplayer) of whether it's a VIP server or Public Server. There is also the issue of not being able to prove whether or not the server is public or private but anyway. Thoughts?

IrelandKaotiqx4 years ago

So apparently we need to retime runs, since I've already been told how, I've been asked to tell everyone else how to as well.

Open this link then click the green button and download zip.


Then follow these instructions: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/689894055794049085/705614380649414666/unknown.png

If anyone has any issues say so in this forum or you can ask me via discord if that's easier.

IrelandKaotiqx4 years ago

I've just been added as moderator for this game but since slendermanpowerman is never active, it would probably be better if I had some help moderating as it would make the process of verifying runs more efficient. So anyone who wants to be a moderator can be one as long as you have a verified run (with full recorded evidence)

Otterstone_Gamer menyukai ini
IrelandKaotiqx4 years ago

So with the new category for all chapters, do we add splits (chapter 1 time - **** chapter 2 time: *** etc etc)? Or do we just include the time in between chapters?

IrelandKaotiqx4 years ago

So my Survivor: Solo - Public Servers WR run got rejected for not having the full recording, I understand why this was rejected and I would do the same thing if I was a moderator. What REALLY ticks me off is that other people got their runs verified when they didn't have a full recording (e.g. Goku's FWR run for beast). Why do they get leeway and I don't :/. If your gonna reject my run, why don't the others get rejected?

Otterstone_Gamer menyukai ini
IrelandKaotiqx4 years ago

Just wondering, if your doing a solo speedrun and your friends in the same server playing with you, does the speedrun you do count (assuming you haven't used any cheats, hacks etc) as long as they haven't helped you in any way?

IrelandKaotiqx4 years ago

So you asked if anyone wanted to be moderators and loads of people said they were up for the job, yet you haven't made anyone a moderator and you are never on the site and it takes you months to verify runs :/. I submitted 2 speedruns like 2 weeks ago and they haven't been verified yet ;-;

SpeedGlitchedTrevor menyukai ini
IrelandKaotiqx4 years ago

Ok so I submitted my WR run for the beast category and AN ENTIRE MONTH later it still wasn't verified, I made a new channel recently so I reuploaded it onto my new one, deleted the previous run I submitted and resubmitted with the new video link and its been a bit over a week and its STILL NOT VERIFIED!

Alan_12 menyukai ini
Tentang Kaotiqx
5 years ago
1 year ago
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