I will add coinless as a category after you do a run. Feel free to message me or make a response in this thread once you have successfully completed a run of it with video (make sure to link to it however you contact me).
That's because of the reasons we discussed in the forums. If you need further clarification you can dm me on discord and I can help you sort it out.
Because this is going to be in category extensions, please submit the guide there instead and delete the one on the main page.
Also, I have a few suggestions for the route. First, you want to minimize the amount of levels you play, so it would be best to get every star coin in every level you play (for the most part). I understand that you've never ran 100% or all castles, so you may not have a good sense of how long each star coin takes to grab, so I'll tell you the ones that I think you might want to change.
First, you left out 10 star coins from the first playthrough. If you collected some of these, you would save a few extra levels.
Second, there are other paths to take after you beat the game, and I'm not sure which one is the fastest. Just something to look into, you never know how much you could save by doing that.
Here's some star coins you may want to change:
M-GH 2nd coin isn't that slow, so you may want to add it 6-1 3rd coin is also not that slow 6-A 3rd coin is pretty fast. There's also a star to the right of it. The coins in 6-4 and 6-5 are probably worth adding to the route So is the coin in 6-C
Those are the fastest coins in the first playthrough that you probably want to add. There may be others, but I'm not sure how many of them are worth it. Also make sure to consider other routes to take after first playthrough.
I'd like to route this with you. If you are interested you can contact me on discord.
we would need a run with video. If you have one, I can add it to the category extensions page.
Assuming we don't have a reason to suspect that your run is fake, that is.
That doesn’t mean you can’t submit it. Still, if it wasn’t done in a single sitting and the breaks you took weren’t factored in, then we can’t accept it, sorry. Now that you know the route, if you were to try again it would take a lot less time.
First, there was no insulting. You keep submitting a 100 hour time for 100% which seems very unrealistic. We don't have enough details to reasonably assume it was legitimate. When you submitted it again, a mod with a grey name simply asked you to stop.
Second, the time of 100 hours seems very unrealistic as a time. Was it done in a single sitting? I highly doubt it because that would take over four days. If not, was it timed accurately? Were brakes factored in? If you want a time of 113 hours verified you should fill in such details so we can be as certain as possible that it was legitimate.
What's really going on here is not that the timer is frozen for an extra few frames, but instead, when you get hit the timer stops, but the red flashing does not. The red flashing continues the cycle it's on even when the timer is paused, so it appears like you have saved or lost in game time, but in reality, you haven't.
There's a table of contents in the beginning, and there's some other stuff that's important, such as dash flying and how the coin counter affects the run. If you don't know those things I suggest you watch that section of the video, and still, there's tomppaa's old guide to look at, which covers each level individually.
uvideo, tomppaa, and I are working on one; it's currently in the scripting phase. We have one video done covering basic stuff about the game you should look at, and there's an old guide by tomppaa you can use. Both are in the guide section on the nsmb2 page. If you have any questions, feel free to ask us!