I used what I think is the most up to date version from the Discord. I also apologize in advance for me being big tilted during disc 4, it was just...awful.
- Time without loads: 4:36:42
- Time with loads: 4:47:42
- Date of run: 05/30/2023
- Turbo/Autoclicker: Autoclicker
I do see it now. You might want to DM a mod on here and ask them if the rules have changed and weren't updated.
It states in the rules that the use of defensive items is banned, however, in the no knife category it states that you can use the knife as a defense item, just not as you normally would in an normal run, so clarification would be needed from the mods if they made any changes to the rules and didn't update them.
I'm curious if you could provide a timestamp because I watched that run and don't remember seeing this, if not for me, but for the mods so they can look at your claim.
Generally you need to have experience running the game to become a moderator for it. Having intimate knowledge is necessary to be able to accurately approve and deny runs. Also, if more mods/verifiers are needed the existing mods will usually announce it, so asking in the forums isn't the best way to go about it.
We already have a 99 coconut category on the CE boards!
It's less the above and more that skins can change how hit boxes and what not work, and even if your skins don't, then the mods have to come up with a list of banned mods and that is a ton of work. But, RE3R now allows skins so it's possible that they could change it for RE2R as well, you'd have to ask the mod team though.
I'd let a mod confirm for sure, but a general rule of thumb is that runs aren't segmented. Segmented runs, spliced together or not, are a way that some people attempt to cheat. I'm not saying you are, just saying that is how a common practice is done.
If you want to run on console I'd suggest either streaming to twitch/youtube so you don't have to interrupt your run, or invest in a capture card so you can record it all in one go on a PC/Laptop.
The rules say you have to follow the knifes out challenge rules. You can shoot anything that isn't direct damage to an enemy. You can even shoot red barrels I believe since they don't directly damage an enemy with the bullet.
What do you mean? Like Hunk/tofu and ghosts survivors? They do, under full game leader board click on level leaderboard and they are there.
I'm all for no knife, let's make it a thing. I'd come back your inning RE2R for it.
@LeonShredfield You say people, what people exactly are displeased? A few people complaining on the forms don't represent a whole community. At the end of the day, you can be displeased because your run didn't get verified in what you see is a timely manner, but mods have 21 days I believe it is to verify a run, and they will get to it when they get to it. Instead of spending all of this energy bitching on the forms, maybe put it into improving your run for next time?
Anyway, I'm done wasting my energy on threads like these, I always just end up repeating myself anyways since it's the same lame arguments over and over. People who are complaining are just displeased that someone else got verified before them. Submitted before, at the same time, or after you, doesn't matter, mods are going to verify as they see fit, or have time for. If your run is 3 hours long, and a mod doesn't have time for it, of course they are going to look at a shorter one they can finish.
I can't believe this is STILL being talked about. There is no "fiasco" going on here. A mod team is allowed to do runs how they see fit. People need to understand that if a mod is watching a run live and then it's submitted, of course they will do that run quickly because it's easy to just spot check and approve since they already saw it.
Mods have I think 21 days? To verify a run, I highly doubt there is anything that old in the queue, and if there is then a faster run from someone has been approved and the older one not taken care of yet.
Learn some patience! With a game where the runs are over an hour, it takes time to get through them, I'm sure the team is doing the best they can, and people bitching about waiting isn't helping.
I can speak from personal experience that you can burn yourself out on this real quick. When I started modding in RE2R/3R, I went in hard to help keep the queue down, but I burned myself out to the point I had to stop. That, and dealing with people bitching about their runs and other matters, it made me not want to do it anymore. Pushing mods to verify faster is going to lead to burn out, and then people will drop out/just stop and then the queue will be even worse.
@ThePatient You do realize that being a moderator/verifier comes with a level of trust and professionalism right? People aren't picked for the job based on popularity, or what not. I was a nobody (let's face it still am but what ever lol) when I was picked to become a verifier for RE2R.
As for the size of the team, look at how many they have. It sucks to have to wait a while to have your run verified, but that is the case with a popular game. I waited 9 days for a run, but I didn't complain. You have to learn to have patience, a lot of y'all need to learn it because threads like this probe nothing really other then people don't like to wait.
A thread like this doesn't show anything about the community's interests btw, people seem to think because a few people complain that EVERYONE agrees.
Nothing wrong with getting prepped for it early though if you want to run it! There is a guide that is very detailed and well written in the guides section and on the Discord. I've been running it and it's rather fun, though RNG is a factor with some of the treasures you have to pick up.
Alright lol, like I said I'm not feeling good so I didn't want to misunderstand. Anyways, laser should be restricted to hc/VoS since it's not needed in casual.
I feel like crap so if I understand worng please forgive me, but are you saying hg only shouldn't have duke in it? No duke is already going to be a thing if I remember right, so why add that to hg only? Hg literally only needs to be hg only, no other special rules outside of the laser for Chris on hc/vos because of ammo.
@MarandaScreams It's still suppose to be a challenge run though, unlimited ammo would take the challenge out of it, upgraded guns or not. Honestly I'm completely fine with no NG+ at all for HG only, I was just trying to come up with something for it.
Infinite ammo kinda takes the challenge out of it but I like the idea of maxed out handguns for a Ng+ honestly.
The way I see the HG only rules are
All normal game rules
Only the Lemi, 1911, and V61 are allowed. You can pick up other guns to sell but can't use them.
Must start from a fresh Ng save.
On Hardcore/VoS the laser is allowed against Urias since there isn't enough handgun ammo to kill him.
All DLC guns/unlockables are banned.
I'm not too sure about a NG+ for hg only though, because there is only one handgun that is unlockable if I remember correctly. I'm fully against anything that looks like a handgun but doesn't fire handgun bullets, like the rocket pistol.
Also, there is a part for the v61 that I believe is ng+, so that would be banned in Ng as well.
So people keep bringing up VoS and HC for HG only, mainly Chris section. I'm okay with compromising on the laser as far as non HG damage done, but the magnum is out of the question imo. HG only should be only guns that use HG bullets, period.