Texas, USAIanwubby15 days ago

It's not a bad idea, though I might expand it more broadly into just "no extra equipment" or something along those lines, like mentioned in the previous comment, since singling out just the radar could lead to singling out each of the other extras which could lead to some pretty bad category bloat for a game that already doesn't have a lot of runs.

In any case I'll definitely think on the best way to implement it, since now that's two suggestions for equipment limitations.

JtheCreatureCreator menyukai ini
Texas, USAIanwubby7 months ago

Hey! It seems like you beat us to getting the leaderboard made, but here's a link to our discord server for Endless Ocean speedrunning. Hopefully we can keep discussion of all of the games together.


Texas, USAIanwubby1 year ago

Alright, I've opted to remove the 13:28 from the boards for now, until anyone can figure out how to reproduce the speedup. Not very fair to have a run up that nobody can compete against.

Texas, USAIanwubby1 year ago

Update: I also can't reproduce the effect anymore. I've also tried playing at the smallest resolution with the worst graphics possible to see if any kind of speedup could be gained there, and still nothing.

Well, I am getting better than 13:50 - but only 13:48, so nowhere near the 13:28 run. Comparing a run I did today to the 13:28 and trying to match up the camera position, it seems like the day is literally just passing by faster (the shadows on the ground fall out of sync).

gunch menyukai ini
Texas, USAIanwubby1 year ago

For what it's worth, I don't know if lag reduction is actually the culprit, it's just what I was trying to test at the time. I'm playing Ultimate Collection, as a digital download from Amazon. I was able to reproduce it at the time, but I'll try again soon to make sure it wasn't some kind of fluke. If nobody else can recreate it, I don't have a problem with removing it from the boards for the sake of fairness.

gunch menyukai ini
benang: Poppy Kart
Texas, USAIanwubby1 year ago

That sounds like an issue with speedrun.com itself, there's nothing I can do to fix that. I'd recommend looking for advice in the main site forums, rather than the Poppy Kart forums. Hopefully you can get it figured out!

Texas, USAIanwubby1 year ago

ahh, I see. Can you not even hit yourself? If not, then that's very unfortunate.

Texas, USAIanwubby1 year ago

A while back, I was interested in trying to beat as much of the game Singleplayer as possible, and I managed to get almost all the way through dungeon 3. As much of the map is built around multiplayer, this naturally necessitated skipping a lot of content.

Assuming the map hasn't been updated to patch these, the biggest skips I found that haven't been implemented in the any% record are: -Skipping almost the entirety of Area 2 -Skipping the first cave in Area 1 -A small time save in Dungeon 1 that bypasses the last two puzzles

Doing these skips also allows you to smuggle levers, buttons, and pressure plates from one area to another, which could potentially let you bypass collecting slow ones later in the game.

Texas, USAIanwubby2 years ago

@gunch I've just submitted mine to Any%, as I don't like having redundant categories (imo the 100% boards should just be left blank for levels that don't have bonus goals). But there doesn't seem to be any preferred method for submission.

Texas, USAIanwubby2 years ago

Yup, the glitch formatting is fixed!

My only concern with the any% / 100% distinction in the individual levels is that a lot of the levels don't even have any bonus objectives, which creates a lot of redundant categories. It's not, like, the worst thing ever, but it's still not super pretty to see the same run being used for any% and 100%. I might recommend limiting "100%" submissions only to levels that have bonus objectives, just so there isn't a huge column full of duplicate submissions from any%.

Texas, USAIanwubby2 years ago

What is the purpose of the "100%" and "any%" distinction in the level leaderboards? It's been a while since I've played a lot of the later scenarios, but from what I can remember there isn't really enough "extra" content to warrant a distinction. I may just be misremembering, though.

As for the full-game leaderboards, I feel like it would be better to separate the Campaign leaderboards from the Freeform and Challenge leaderboards, considering how different Campaign is from those two. Possibly have "Campaign", "Challenge", and "Freeform" as the main categories, with Campaign split into "Any%" and "100%" subcategories, and Challenge and Freeform split into the miscellaneous ones like 5Star% and Quagga%. It would be a lot clearer to understand, since Any% and 100% don't really apply to Challenge and Freeform, and it would remove the need for the "Default" subcategory.

Also, there seems to be some formatting issues with the leaderboards, in that only glitched runs show up by default. For instance, CinnamomRoll's runs are glitchless, and they don't show up when you actually click on an individual level's leaderboards. Changing the filter to include "With Glitches" and "Without Glitches" makes them show up again. It should be possible to change the category settings to make both types of run show up by default.

I would be willing to put in the work and sort all of this stuff out - including writing rules for the categories - but I know from personal experience that it can be annoying to have people showing up and asking to be a mod. But I do have experience formatting leaderboards, so I hope I can at least provide a bit of advice on that front.

Zt-freak menyukai ini
benang: Poppy Kart
Texas, USAIanwubby2 years ago

Unfortunately the only way to avoid that is to play a heavier character. Poppyto is lightweight, so the only surefire way to not spin out is to just not hit the heavier characters.

benang: Poppy Kart
Texas, USAIanwubby2 years ago

Worth noting that if you're playing the free demo, then the best character you can get is Bigoudi, who happens to be the second-fastest character overall. If Poppyto can do a race in 1:00, then Bigoudi can do it in like ~1:00.5

benang: Poppy Kart
Texas, USAIanwubby2 years ago

It's not actually said anywhere as far as I know, but from my tests it seems like Poppyto is the fastest character. It's not super significant - if Poppyto can do a race in 1:00, then Rooki can do it in like ~1:01.5.

A much more important factor to your speed is making sure you're playing on Expert mode instead of Progressive mode - you drive like 50% faster in Expert mode.

Texas, USAIanwubby3 years ago

@LoggieOggie The boards should be ready for mobile submissions!

Texas, USAIanwubby3 years ago

Mobile isn't currently allowed, but I could certainly see that being changed. I would still consider them different enough that it wouldn't make much sense to include PC and mobile in the exact same rankings alongside each other, but I think separate PC/mobile subcategories could be a really good idea.

Go ahead and submit any mobile runs you have, though I might take a few days to get to them. I'll take some time to look at the mobile version again and figure out how to best incorporate it into the leaderboards!

Texas, USAIanwubby3 years ago

I've done a little bit of glitch hunting and this is the closest I've come to a skip so far. If you open the menu before you enter the slide after delivering Luke Belmont's pizza, then when you close the menu you gain the ability to stack your movement onto the movement caused by the slide, causing a very unintended displacement (the displacement in the video was caused by just walking forward through the entire slide).

If you displace out of bounds and fall into the void, there seems to be a "death plane" of sorts beneath the map that warps you to the bridge in the middle of the city when you land on it. Displacing out of bounds and then warping like this would save 17-19 seconds over doing everything as-intended, but unfortunately entering the weird slide-walking state seems to cause a softlock at the end of the game that prevents you from sliding down the pole. If you exit the game and re-open it, you can actually slide down the pole now, but that takes far longer than 17-19 seconds so that's definitely slow.

I have another theory, though. If the game auto-saves while you're on the slide, and you exit and re-enter the game, you exit the sliding state and you just fall through the slide to the ground (this is probably why resetting the game removes the softlock). You can inconsistently force the game to auto-save while you're on the slide by opening your inventory and waiting a second or two, so my theory is to use the slide to displace over Caetano's, force the game to auto-save, exit+reload the game and fall somewhere out of bounds in/around Caetano's. And then, from there, there would need to be a way to navigate to either the saxophone room or to the train.

In summary, if anyone can find a way to avoid the softlock that would save up to 17-19 seconds, and if anyone can find a way to displace directly to the end using the slide then whoa boy that saves a lot more.

doctordingus menyukai ini
benang: Poppy Kart
Texas, USAIanwubby3 years ago

Possibly. There previously were records for single laps, but there didn't seem to be much interest in them, especially with how RNG-heavy they could get. However, an itemless one lap category has been added for poppy kart 2 now, and having something similar for this game could work out if there's interest in it.

Texas, USAIanwubby4 years ago

I don't see an emulator time cap listed anywhere in the rules. And the rules also stipulate that the emulator must accurately emulate gamecube - including loading times - to be accepted.

Other than the loads being accurate aside, one big reason why there's no separation for emulator is because the only allowed emulator is for gamecube. Xbox is the vastest console by far, so even if you were to have a separate leaderboard for emulator, the "emu" record would be multiple minutes slower than the "non-emu" record, even if both were perfectly optimized.

Pear, kyo dan 2 lainnya menyukai ini
Texas, USAIanwubby4 years ago

That sounds like an issue with Livesplit itself rather than anything that could be fixed by anyone here

Tentang Ianwubby
8 years ago
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