benang: Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
Parallel Quest and Expert Missions now have both duo and trio categories
benang: Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
benang: Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
category for 3-20 xm is now listed as expert mission (new) and the old run is listed as expert mission (old)
benang: Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
If people want to discuss the rule change we can start a new post about it, for this thread titled "the mod is a shame" which alleges the mods change rules to avoid losing WRs, I'd like to see the evidence of OP's new world record that supposedly got rejected due to new rule changes, and since he says "always" there should be several examples of this occurring though I doubt there is a single example.
benang: Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
Could be, but that doesn't match up with the claim about changing the rules because of a record being beaten.
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