Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo17 days ago

As always, please refer to these guidelines before suggesting a category https://www.speedrun.com/portal_category_extensions/forums/zzd25

The main issue with ISG% is that since it mostly only affects interaction with props, only a handful of maps are significantly different from a regular run. For OoB and Inbounds this is really just 00/01 and e02. NoSLA would also have 04/05, 12, 13 (where props can also be avoided with door shot or the xy bump), 17 and e00 changed, which is still only a few chambers + you'd have to ignore the fact that plenty of props fall OoB by themselves.

Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo8 months ago

Since the IL rules require you to start on the previous map and then load into the map you are actually running, it's easiest to time this using two splits. This way you can just manually start the timer whenever you load your IL save, it'll split when it transitions the map, and it'll then stop the time when you finish your run. So your final time is just gonna be the segment time of the second split. In case you don't have your autosplitter and load time removal set up, as long as your game is set to Portal it should show the settings for that in the Edit Splits menu.

Also timing demos is pretty simple, you can get UntitledParser and just drag a demo file onto the exe. It'll open a window with all the general information about the demo, most importantly the total time at the bottom, in seconds aswell as ticks (1 tick = 0.015s). You could also play your demo back ingame with the Shift+F2 demo UI, that'll display the total ticks in the demo (just make sure to add 1 tick to this for the final time, since the ingame UI doesn't account for the 0th tick).

Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo8 months ago

The challenges aren't their own maps, only the advanced chambers are actually different maps. You can change the value of sv_bonus_challenge to 1, 2 or 3 (for least portals, least steps and least time respectively), and when you then load a map it'll activate the overlay for as long as you have that map loaded (saving/loading saves within the map works fine, but fully restarting the map or loading another map makes it disappear again).

Do keep in mind though that this is not allowed in speedruns (which includes Least Portals) since it changes the way that the level transitions at the end, I've added a bit to the Least Portal IL rules to clarify this. The Least Portals ILs work pretty much the same as base game ILs, a short guide on how to do & record these properly can be found here (only the demotimer mentioned there shouldn't be used anymore I think, use UntitledParser or startdemos+ instead).

Pr0tal menyukai ini
Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo9 months ago

Added Softlock Glitchless (using TAS timing), along with a bunch of other ILs. Thanks for the request.

Also just for the record, I'm pretty sure your 00/01 run there isn't a true softlock, I believe you can grab the radio from the vault and toss it in the door to keep it open.

Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo1 year ago

Yeah in general anything that is exclusively doable through the console and not the settings menu is not allowed, with a few exceptions that are listed in the main game rules though.

Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo1 year ago

That's the same game with different audio.

Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo1 year ago

@derric_young Individual categories for All Achievements and All Bonus Maps (including the gold medals) already exist. Most of the dev commentary nodes are along the routes that NoSLA takes anyways, so that would probably just result in doing NoSLA strats for these maps. There is also a glitch (or possibly intended feature) with the commentary nodes that allows you to warp between them (within a map). There was some talks about a potential dev commentary category a few months ago, that might get revisited as its own category. But a "True 100%" combination of all these will not get added.

Also I would once again like to remind everyone to read the category request guidelines before requesting a category. https://www.speedrun.com/portal_category_extensions/thread/zzd25

Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo1 year ago

I'd like to see that run then so I don't have to imagine what a potential run would look like.

Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo1 year ago

Please also read the part in that post that says "Do a run of whatever you're requesting" in bold. As far as I'm aware it hasn't been proven yet that this run is even possible.

Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo1 year ago

Thanks for the request, but this won't get added for these reasons:

As far as I can tell, maps would be affected in 3 ways by Jetpack%:

  1. Map doesn't have any necessary elevation, leaving the jetpack useless.
  2. Map has elevation with a portal surface at the top, almost always making it faster to just portal up instead of flying.
  3. Map has elevation without a portal surface, allowing you to just fly up. I wouldn't consider this much of an interesting route lol. There could be some other applications in regards to glitches like saveglitch (allowing you to fly through the map without collision), but even then it doesn't seem much different from the 0 Gravity category. Also the choice of 15 as the vertical velocity to add per tick is pretty arbitrary.
Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo2 years ago

The usage of any custom models is not allowed. The only model that may be changed is the playermodel. (This goes for here, aswell as the main categories)

Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo2 years ago

@LuckySwan "Your category should not be too similar to already existing categories. If your idea is just an already existing category with a minor detail added to it, it doesn't warrant its own leaderboard (this also goes for the main categories). If you are requesting a category where you get the upgraded portalgun right at the start, that only changes the run up to chamber 11."

  • from the thread that literally has the words "READ BEFORE REQUESTING A CATEGORY" in the title
Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo2 years ago

As an update to this (can't remember when I did this and forgot to post apparently): NoSLA Unrestricted has also been removed from Keyboard Only, and the norm for any future categories that have subcategories for all the main categories will be that Legacy will be picked over Unrestricted, due to the fact that Unrestricted is pretty clearly just a miscellaneous version of Legacy, which would result in any category extension featuring it to be mostly similar in route and probably less popular. This is just a guideline for now though, if anything unique pops up No SLA Unrestricted may still be included in some categories.

Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo2 years ago

(Only just saw this since SRDC does not notify people about comments on news) With the low amount of console runners (and the already low interest in category extensions) I don't want to make a seperate category for console/controller, so it would have to be grouped in with the existing one, which importantly includes the inputs available to each player. Due to the layout of controllers this would make it really awkward on just one controller, so using two controllers with the copilot feature you mentioned should solve this atleast.

As long as you stick to the provided input limitations for each player (as stated in the rules) and provide handcams showing both controllers, I can't see a reason why this shouldn't be allowed. If this seems like too much of a hassle or too specific limitations, as always I encourage people to have fun speedrunning even if there's not a leaderboard for whatever you're doing. This is just the best way I can see to possibly integrate this into the existing Keyboard/Mouse ruleset.

Though if a few people do end up doing runs on just one controller with each person controlling one half of it (not sure if this would have to be in-person or if it can be done online, I'm not much of a console guy), I can see adding this as a subcategory to 2P1C in the future.

Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo2 years ago

Added Glitchless and Legacy as subcategories to LSD% and Minecraft% (they now cover all main categories), since these are just visual changes on top of existing categories.

Also, for categories that feature all main categories as subcategories, No SLA Unrestricted is not included, as it's pretty much just a variant of Legacy, with Legacy being more relevant (they're barely different, so pretty much the only reason for Unrestricted to exist is for a free WR).

neptunestar999 menyukai ini
Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo2 years ago

Added 2 Players 1 Controller

Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo2 years ago

Can't remember if SRDC allows for different rules for seperate ILs, but also linking the maps in the corresponding rules would be cool (that's atleast the first place I'd look for a link).

Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo2 years ago

reminder to fix your colorkey on livesplit :)

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