No, we don't allow any sort of modification of the game's files besides steam.api and, for a number of reasons. First of all, it makes it so that the game you're playing is pretty much identical to game when first purchased. And second, allowing modifications to the audio or graphics of the game could potentially give people an unfair advantage over other runners.
I'll definitely be running the full game. I've actually been playing on an off still and have submitted a number of individual level records fairly recently, but they just haven't been verified yet.
Here's a category: Don't Kill and Don't be Killed%. Basically, if you have a TPE run that isn't worth finishing rather than leaving the underground, you go back to the very first room of the game and talk to Asriel. It would allow you to do a lot of backwards wrongwarping, so it actually involves some new strats (more or less, it's just learning the triggers for going back and which ones are worth going for). Time stops when asriel says "Don't Kill and Don't Be Killed." (or, if you want it to be more of a meme, you can make it "Don't you have anything better to be doing?" and name the category after that instead). Also goat hug is mandatory Kappa
I don't see why people would want to run that over Temmie College if it's just extra tedious stuff
Hey, welcome! Glad you enjoyed TGH's run at AGDQ :D To answer your question, I'm not sure of any way to record while playing full screen. But, you do get used to the screen size after a while. Best of luck, and again, welcome to the community!
I asked him about this on twitter. He said he would rather keep it at just him for mod right now, and then once the full game comes out he will get more mods to help update everything.
Negrodomus, I think the key to getting this is that you don't want to slide along the wall for long. Just barely tap the wall, and then jump off again. After the bump, slide into the wall above it and do a backwards wavedash on top to get going towards the goal.