NorwayGKOOPZ1 year ago

This game has certain dlc weapons that can be very p2w for speedruns. The way I see it is, there are two ways of tackling this to make it fair for everyone. Solution 1 is to allow a mutator that unlocks all the dlc weapons (downside is that consoles can't run these). Solution 2 is to disqualify any runs featuring dlc weapons.

NorwayGKOOPZ2 years ago

A category for rocketdude would be pretty nice.

NorwayGKOOPZ2 years ago

I'm just wondering cuz that would be really cool.

benang: Cry of Fear
NorwayGKOOPZ2 years ago

If so, wouldn't that make the runs pay to win?

Scamor menyukai ini
jalankan: Killing Floor 2
NorwayGKOOPZ3 years ago

You are supposed to show the result screen at the end.

jalankan: Killing Floor
NorwayGKOOPZ3 years ago

This run would be 15:52 since the last cutscene part does not count the time there, it was agreed it would stop the moment the last door was opened up.

NorwayGKOOPZ3 years ago

Oh, I just realized, only a moderator can upload on saves. Never mind. Ignore my comment. I thought every user could upload on saves.

NorwayGKOOPZ3 years ago

Wouldn't it be better to just put demos in saves (on the resources tab) instead of google drive?

NorwayGKOOPZ3 years ago

I know there is a heavily modified one in category extension, but it is so heavy tweaked that it no longer resembles the same gamemode. Stayin Alive is the one I am refering to. It's simply too restrictive.

NorwayGKOOPZ3 years ago

"For one, if we require map vote to swap maps, it puts RNG bosses on at least 2 out of 3 maps even for PC, making for a great equalized run for console vs. PC competition."

It would be better to just have seperate categories for PC and consoles since PC can run the game at higher frame rate and use binds for the console commands. Fun fact, the cart that you move in the christmas workshop map will move faster depending on your frame rate. I found that out the hard way when my game was running much lower frame rate then someone else to the point where I went with an unlegitmate run as a test to see if it would get past the world record, only to find out that it was off my several minutes long, even tho zeds were killed constantly with a console bind and I had skipped trader all the time and welded the cart to max hp from the start and was untouched. Why tripwire relied on frame rate to calculate things, I don't know, but it was a dumb decision for them to rely on that for calculating things. Fall damage is mostly calculated by your fall speed but also partially calculated through frame rate for some reason.

NorwayGKOOPZ3 years ago

It's an error on both the submitter and the moderator that verified it. If you pay close attention, the moderator did correct the submitter that added one extra minute in the time spit timer, but the moderator's oversight was the ending which he didn't correct, either that or he didn't correct mine at the ending of my run.

rocinrykor menyukai ini
NorwayGKOOPZ3 years ago

https://www.speedrun.com/kf09/run/mk8ng9lm https://www.speedrun.com/kf09/run/ywq9j70y

In the single player run (the one I submitted), I saw that the ingame timer still continues at the ending cutscene until the train starts moving at full speed and that's when the ingame timer first stops. This is where I decided to put my time at as it makes the most sense, tho if it was required to have time split, it would make more sense to stop the timer as soon as the cutscene at the ending starts. The second run did have time split but you can see the ingame timer at the end too and the submitted timer on the 2nd run was on when the ending cutscene started. Something is not adding up here.

rocinrykor menyukai ini
NorwayGKOOPZ3 years ago

Q: Can I have music in my video of the run? A: Yes.

Q: Will my run get disqualified if my audio in the video is gone? A: Yes.

If you have any questions, you can ask below as a reply to this post.

NorwayGKOOPZ3 years ago

Ok, turns out I was wrong about multiplayer crash when using it, sort of. Log in as a server admin and do "admin DemoRec" allows you to record a demo in multiplayer. Use "DemoRec" into the webadmin's console if you want to start recording from webadmin. The file doesn't store in your client-side when recording from multiplayer, but in the server-side instead. The server's path is KF2Server/KFGame/Demo. You do "DemoPlay" from ingame console. I updated the guide to include this information.

EDIT: Appearently some people can do the "DemoRec" command in multiplayer without begin logged in as admin. This is really weird. However, if you do that, then you will be able to load the map and shortly after in a few seconds, the demo will automaticly end even if it wasn't supposed to end, so maybe it got soft-corrupted as a result of this. When I was done doing that in mulitplayer and I tried demorec in solo, my game crashed which makes me more confused. I launched my game again and immediately went to solo to record a demo again but it crashed. I think it crashes on one of the two (solo or multiplayer) based on where the demos could be stored, but that's just an uneducated guess. Strange thing is, before I did recorded a demo in multiplayer, a while ago I did record multiple demos in solo, so in that case the demos must of been switching places in the file locations automaticly. I have no idea, just guessing at this point.

MASH menyukai ini
NorwayGKOOPZ4 years ago

The most noticable downsides is that just like spectating a player on a server, you can't see their viewmodel when first person. While it is possible to show the hud because its set to off by default, you will not see the result screen pop up at the ending. Recording demos on multiplayer will crash your game so this is limited to solo only. To see the hud, you will need to enter "ShowHud" command into the console when watching the demo. You can hear the firing sounds of the weapons, tho there exist some weapons that don't have sound. You can see the health of the player from showing up the scoreboard, as well as the perk and level.

NorwayGKOOPZ4 years ago

I am asking if this could be used for endless speedruns. There's an unused feature that can be easily accsessed through console commands which I have written in the "Guides" section. Instead of having a huge file size and long upload speed for people with bad connection, the demos are a good alternative for uploading endless runs due to their length. It's also good for those who have barely any space on their computer too. Unlike a mp4, a demo allows you to look at the player from different perspectives as well as where the zeds spawn, etc. It's very interactive.

NorwayGKOOPZ4 years ago

Why is Rango's record still up then? It doesn't make much sense to me. Also christmas skin zeds have bigger hitboxes then vanilla, so you will be at a disadvantage to other runs that has them if you restrict people from downgrading their game to a previous version, either that or it's wait another year for next christmas just to speedrun. That would especially make speedrunning occur less often meaning that it would be more unactive.

EDIT: I am not saying remove the oudated runs that is not in the current build, just have the option to run it in a different version including the patched glitches since Rango's runs with it are still up.

NorwayGKOOPZ4 years ago

I was wondering if going back to an earlier version of the game and speedrunning it in the current time is allowed since some exploits such as combo cancel (used by a controversal zerker runner here) do have a valid run still. I'm wondering out of curiosity. Technically anyone can downgrade their game to an older version.

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