North Carolina, USAFlannelKat2 years ago


Apologies for the late reply!

I am in agreement with tabs by category & console hardware.

The versions are pretty diverse and this allows us to represent each platform!

One very quick note - All Main Treasures does not need a pro game category as there are no "bonus" treasures in that mode.

North Carolina, USAFlannelKat2 years ago

Now that we've got some new blood in the modship of the game i'd like to propose the following:

The Any% Categories moved to be the main categories that would first show on the leaderboard and the 50k score categories (Both NES and Arcade) moved to the end of the list or to a misc category.

My main reasoning for this is that the 50k Score category, while it does have more runners, does not complete the game nor come anywhere close to completing the game.

While it's not uncommon for arcade games to have a "high score" category - these are usually reserved for endless games that do not have a reasonable win state. Tower of Druaga is absolutely not one of these games.

For a game that can be beaten I've found it very strange that this category exists at all, let alone be the main category of the game.

I'm sure people put genuine work into it, so I don't think we should be getting rid of this entirely. Just moved to later in the list or a misc category.

I'll make no changes without the agreement of the other members of the mod team, of course. I'd love to hear everyone's opinion.

North Carolina, USAFlannelKat2 years ago

Hey Kato!

I would be delighted to help moderate. I feel we can do a lot for this board!


North Carolina, USAFlannelKat2 years ago

Well it looks like you were added as the only mod and the others turned down their modship.

If you need help modding I can totes do that too.

benang: Pac-Land
North Carolina, USAFlannelKat2 years ago

Okay - following up here!

I've played Pac Land in the Museum Plus and it's definitely tremendously different than the default arcade settings.

I'm not 100% sure what the dips are set at but it's certainly toned down from the usual and runs exceedingly slow??

If anything it'd get it's own board. Presuming people run it and want that. No reason to make another empty leaderboard though.

Edit: After doing a little research i've realized this is just the Japanese version. It seems to be running identically to the other run on the JP leaderboard so I would say this would share a leaderboard with Arcade (JP)

benang: Pac-Land
North Carolina, USAFlannelKat2 years ago

While I haven't played this I presume it's arcade identical - I plan on giving it a shot soon.

North Carolina, USAFlannelKat2 years ago


Chottue dan yelsraek menyukai ini
North Carolina, USAFlannelKat2 years ago

Wow this is AWESOME!

Congratulations on so many speedruns completed for what is my favorite version of Druaga.

I hope they actually add the categories - I had a hard time getting the All Main Treasures back when I was the only runner but ended up only getting any% despite that not being what I, the only runner, ran.

I'm seconding the categories per difficulty - the tower and rules change significantly across each difficulty and would be their own runs.

KatoDamuko menyukai ini
North Carolina, USAFlannelKat2 years ago

Poking this to follow up

North Carolina, USAFlannelKat2 years ago

True ending is finishing all 3 loops of the game, the game calls each loop an Act.

So you basically do the existing BTG category 3 times and it stops looping and tells you to "give up" and refuses to do anything beyond that. Thats the "ending"

And thank you! Flannel is my life so most of my layout designs include it!

North Carolina, USAFlannelKat2 years ago

Hey so...I did the thing.

All 3 acts and the "true" ending.

(It was my first time playing Act 2 and 3 but dang I did the thing and i'm proud of myself)

So can we add that category in?

benang: Pac-Land
North Carolina, USAFlannelKat2 years ago

Hey y'all!

So - when you browse to this page it defaults to showing you Arcade 8 Trips and you're greeted with a depressing "There are no runs"

Looking at all our categories, TG-16 4 Trips has the most runs, far and away. Can we update this so when you browse to this page, it defaults to showing you the TG-16 console first along with the 4-Trip category?

I think it would go a long way in showing that "hey people do run this game" and make things not seem so barren.

Also - I've been toying with the Lynx version. Think we can add a board for 4 Trip / 8 Trip on the Lynx? This request is less important than the "update the primary console" request.

PeaceEgg dan LattMackey menyukai ini
benang: Venture
North Carolina, USAFlannelKat2 years ago

Thanks for getting the category up and running right away!

I'll get a run recorded to compliment PeaceEggs so it looks like it's not such a lonely board.

I'm willing to bet Nate jumps on this too pretty quickly.

aaron2u2 menyukai ini
benang: Venture
North Carolina, USAFlannelKat2 years ago


Can we get an intellivision board for this added?

Both PeaceEgg and I have been working on a Full Treasure List run for that - my current PB is 7:48!

I'm not going to push for arcade at the moment, although I'd like to do that eventually. Feel free to add if if you're feeling it.

But gosh arcade is tough.

North Carolina, USAFlannelKat3 years ago

What does the Warpless part of this requirement mean? I don't see anything in the rules explaining and i'm more or less curious.

Just started learning this run so I'm excited to play it more!

North Carolina, USAFlannelKat4 years ago

Hey thank you SO much!

For timing I used was Start timer when pressing Run on "Beginning" and then stop timer when the screen fades to black after Dogi & Adol walk off the screen.

I don't think we'll need any special rules or anything up front but if someone submits a run on an actual CD of the game, they're likely to have slightly longer loading times and may have to sperate boards - but we'll see if we have to deal with that if anyone ever submits it. For now we can just keep it one board and with the timing rules.

North Carolina, USAFlannelKat4 years ago

Yeah - it's probably the slowest version with about 30 minutes of spoken dialog and the biggest barrier to entry RE: hardware so I kinda get it. But still, it's the console I love and I'm gonna spread that as much as possible.

NeoKad menyukai ini
North Carolina, USAFlannelKat4 years ago

Hey y'all!

I have a run ready to submit for a TG16 version of this leaderboard - would y'all mind creating it? It's definitely not similar enough to either genesis or SNES so it'd have to be it's own thing.


NeoKad menyukai ini
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