Hi there ! Im back ! :p I'll try to do my best to explain what I want to ask... sorry for my bad english tho !
I'm currently re-learning any% and I got trouble with the "new" slip clip in Flooded District. So I tried to find another way to do it instead of the "sprint + lean + straff then blink" method.
I don't know if this is known already, but you can blink by leaning, going forward + straff, then blink. This is way more consistant for me, also it might be useful in another place.
Besides, I experienced some weird things . If I'm playing without recording or streaming, I got in a particular state where I am kinda stucked each time I lean. But if I start streaming/recording (obs or fraps, it is equal) I rarely have this problem. I guess it has to do with framerate? My fps are ~180/230 when using obs, ~250/more without obs/fraps
The thing is, when I got that "frozen lean" state, I can easily slip clip at flooded district, by pressing backward (so I don't get to close to the wall and kinda reset my state and then I can see through the wall again), then forward + straff, and blink.
Has anyone ever encountered this? :D