Missouri, USADrumboardist1 year ago

Since you don't need Cargo, that is. I've found that buying/selling your ship for the first 3 goes quickly, then buy/sell goods for another point to give you a +3 to hull (+30 HP is huuuuuuge in the early game). From there, you wind up getting Damage Given/Taken by the mid-game (all 5 points), Transfer-Goods can probably be manipulated easily by the time you have a cargo of 500+ (just move from town to town quickly, 20 trips for that 5), Boarding 12 ships should happen if you get jumped in the mid/late game (or just pick off smaller ships, I guess).

I need to route this a lil' better, then grind it with a No-Story exit AND a Rum Drop to get to the Cogs faster.

Missouri, USADrumboardist6 years ago

Hey y'all, just wanted to toss out my 2 cents on the categories and such.

Any%: To be fair, this should be "Any% Glitchless", or just "Glitchless"? So the Glitched Card, Glitched Card + BP set, Item/Radar Glitches, Card Duplication, Party Member XP Glitch (?), and Ginyuu Glitches would be off-limits. I specify Glitched Card vs. GC + BP because they are two different Glitched Cards, AND two different ways to duplicate cards (one of them is the GC + BP, because it sets certain characters' Battle Power to set-values -- Gohan/Krillin/Yamcha get 2.6 mil, most everyone else is set to 75k).

Story-Mode%: I actually have a LOT of thoughts on this one. I agree with most of the category (and would actually add more rules), all the way up to "Gokuu/Gohan/Piccolo reaching max level". Aside from the 2-3 hours of grinding necessary to get Piccolo up there (and then using Freeza 3/4 XP to boost to 47), it feels ridiculous for Gohan to have to do so. Canonically, Gohan was USELESS for the Freeza fights, and Veggie was out-moded the moment he went to his 2nd form. Gohan, at max level, has a Power Rating of nearly a million, which makes him somewhat-viable in the fight. (Roughly the same footing as Piccolo, which i juuuuuust don't see as being possible. Also, Veggie is even MORE powerful at this point, making it extremely difficult to get Freeza to kill him off. (I mean, yes, run until you have a bunch of 1/1's, send him out there, hope Freeza targets him, but still a royal pain).

There is also the factor of possibly using the Party Member XP glitch, which would remove 2-3 hours of grinding, but then make you sacrifice 2-3 minutes of fighting (against Freeza) to kill of Veggie and whoever else to make Gokuu go SSJ.

For MY money, the rules should be the following:

~Obviously glitchless. ~Raditz must die to a Makankosappo. ~Yamcha/Ten/Chaotzu must die during the Green Saibamen fights, or against Nappa. (Skipping getting them so they "cutscene-die" is acceptable.) ~Gokuu must use Kai-oh Ken against Nappa. ~Kai-oh Ken, Genki Dama, and Moon/Tail must be used against Veggie. (Getting Yajirobee, while not required, is helpful if he decides to go crazy.) ~Gohan, Krillin, and Veggie have to survive the Ginyuu Squad. ~Ginyuu has to body-swap into the Frog. ~Have Piccolo fuse with only Nail. ~Veggie must die prior to Gokuu arriving for the Freeza fight. ~Gokuu must use a Genki Dama on Freeza. ~Krillin has to die against Freeza, forcing Gokuu to go SSJ.

...and that'd be it. You're still riding Piccolo like a rented mule for all the fights he's there for, but once you're past the RNG-nightmare that is "Make Veggie try to hit Zarbon/Rikuum/Jiisu", it's a breath of fresh air (until Freeza shows up). There's also some interesting challenges in figuring out how to accomplish the goal of Kai-oh Ken + Genki Dama + having enough in the tank to successfully beat Veggie (on earth) anyways, and having that same situation arise against Freeza. (Which, well....that's kinda what happened in DBZ anyways, right?)

Vegeta% No thoughts here, looks good.

True 100% How exactly are we supposed to get to SSJ Veggie, if no one is allowed to die? Someone needs to die, so he can go SSJ, and Veggie sees this, and thusly becomes the final boss after Freeza dies.

Radar% Honestly, I like the name of it, even though the true title should be "Any%" (to separate from "Any% Glitchless" or so-on.) Semantics, I know, just pointing it out.

So those are my thoughts; my routing out of Story% really mentally kinda broke me, not from the minor-deviations from Any% Glitchless...but from the run literally doubling/tripling in length due to a heinous grind session. You can Zenkai Gohan up, but there is no shortcut for most of Piccolo's XP needs (well, technically there is -- get to 45, Porunga Card for a free level-up, then a couple fights and Freeza 3/4 get it done). Still, the requirement of HEAVY levelling bothered me, so I just wanted to toss that out there.

I say keep the ridiculous grind for the True 100%, so Story% might be a lil' more interesting (while still being somewhat different than Any% Glitchless -- and more challenging, honestly, 'cause even towards the end you only have a Nail-fused Piccolo, who is FAR less beefy).

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