Hey, figured I'd reply since I'm still reasonably interested in this game. Personally, I'm not a fan of the 100% category being used for games without a % counter. I'd instead call this something like "All babies, tokens and cheats" instead of 100% so "All BTC" or maybe even just "All babies+tokens" so "All BT".
Just based on that paragraph, calling something "100%" can mean different things to different people since I would include the cheats (so beating all high scores in the television minigames is necessary) compared to another player who might not consider cheats necessary for full completion. Some might also consider it to be killing all enemies as well.
That being said, currently there are ZERO full runs of the game completed to any capacity, only IL's. The IL's I see only seem to consider tokens+babies since many of the enemies killed could just respawn if an accidental death occured.
That ALSO being said, the game is pretty much dead (if it was ever alive) and if you choose to be an active runner you could very easily request game moderator status from the site-wide admins and alter the rules as you see fit.