I have one currently, but it keeps breaking, anyone thing they can try their hand and fix it? Or does anyone have a better plugin for autospliting in KTANe to get an accurate IGT?
I would like to hear everyones input. As of late ive been making up silly categories for myself. like 23% and 46% (in which ill explain later.) But im thinking this could be ran at SGDQ this year, granted they get accepted. What do you guys think? Good idea or nuh?
Speedrun for freeplay, Mods only 23 mdules, (excluding combo lock,piano, and two bits
If my run gets accepted for SGDQ, who would wanna join and help explain?
Its on midway arcade treasures 2 and i dont own an snes.
If so, which versoins only? (I cant afford an nes or a dazzle and im thinking of running this