New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU5 years ago

@S. I think he was saying that above 120 fps you have a breaking of the intended mechanics of the game, this shouldn't really be an issue for speedrunners. It is more an issue that not everyone can do it. At the end of the day, testing of the 90 fps cap seems to suggest things are too far gone for us to really implement anything. I agree that putting a 120 fps cap would have the least negative impact and protect the runs against future incredible powerful hardware, but I think there is a general tone of sickness of the whole discussion. I should have fought harder to have this resolved 11 months ago but I was tired from copping so much from the previous two votes.At least by removing the cap the submitted runs, and the runs on the leaderboards, will once again be congruent. At least we now know how wide spread the impact of FPS is on the game, even beyond car physics.

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU5 years ago

After running at a 90 cap today and yesterday, I think I can fairly say that Trevor% world record is probably not beatable. I am not even sure if my 1:02:35 is beatable. The changes to FPS will likely result in approximately 3 minute drop on Classic%, making that World Record almost impossible to beat as well.

In discussions of the previous rule changes, we concluded it was viable to leave the boards alone due to the belief that the previous world records would still be beatable. I am less confident this time around that the present world records will be beaten. FPS doesn't seem to only effect cars, but general gameplay speed and loadings which all add up to losing multiple seconds each split. The extent of this effect was unknown previously, and is still hard to quantify even if it is more clear now.

My conclusion is either a legacy board has to be created, where the old runs will be moved, or the cap has to be removed and we just accept world record will continue to be beaten partly due to hardware improvements. A decision on this perhaps wouldn't be as pressing were it not for the impending release of RDR2. This will likely result in top runners no longer running GTA V, which will mean that world records will stand for quite sometime incongruent with the rules for new submissions (assuming the runs can be beaten at all).

I want to start a vote on the forums, preferably restricted to runners, over the following: What should be done in regards to FPS cap?

  1. Remove FPS Cap.
  2. Keep FPS Cap at 90 and create a legacy board.
  3. Keep FPS Cap at 90 and leave the leaderboards as is.

Can anyone recommend additional measures that should be added to this list of potential solutions for this issue (or lack of an issue if you disagree it is an issue)

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU5 years ago

This run has already been ruled on, and rejected. This run is not unbeatable as demonstrated by the majority of the runs on the leaderboard beating it. This thread will be locked.

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU5 years ago

@ToriksLV If you don't want to be a moderator then remove yourself as one. You openly admit you don't do anything here. I will make Burhac and Demetrius a supermod and we can remove DatesL, who also does nothing here. I am the one who has had to cop the shit every time a decision has to be made. I have to answer all the questions, get the votes done etc. Regardless of how the vote goes, what I ultimately want, or how much effort I go to make things fair, I always cop shit. I deal with it because I love this speedrun and these boards. This is my life. You callously calling this moderation team bad makes me so angry you have no idea. As I said, you do nothing but consider yourself so you are blind to everything else around you. I never met someone so selfish. You don't consider what Ryedawg has done to be terrible because You. Never. Deal. With. Anything. You sit back and casually yawn while I do all the work. I put up with it because I thought we were friends, you showed me, painfully, this is not the case.

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU5 years ago

Notes many times before becoming mod he doesn't want to be mod Becomes mod Every chance says he is willing to give up mod Claims to care

This doesn't follow.

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU5 years ago

Toriks, I understand you have done literally nothing as moderator and never cared to be a moderator. I have however put my heart and soul into these boards and dedicated a considerable amount of time to building this community. You don't notice because the amount of time you take to consider others is about as close to zero as can be.

Shitposters who do not run the game do not contribute to discussions here. The idea that everyone from barry the butcher to larry the cable guy should be allowed to put in their two cents, clogging the boards, is just idiotic. Ryedawg spamming slanderous personal attacks against me is not "putting his opinion on the matter". No one actually believes that to be the case.

"When will you stop changing the rules to help your self out. When will you see that giving other people a handicap to keep your self relevant. We all know toriks is better than you and WR's for GTAV have always been about hardware dates was running GTAV on a PS3 with a SSD and was the only reason he had WR for so long till PC came out. so that argument is mute."

This is not "sharing an opinion". It is a false shitpost. The idea that any development on this board has to be filtered through Ryedawg, who hasn't opened the game in 3 years, is just non-sense. He literally spammed the board and then lied about it, vindicating this view. This isn't a personal bias, he has literally, on multiple occasions, disrupted discourse and deleted large sections of leaderboards. He has no value in terms of contributing because he knows nothing about the game nor does he run it. Look at how many days we have been bogged down because of one man, one non-runner, one troll. Arguing this should continue is just idiocy.

I have three jobs. Moderate the leaderboards. Build the community. Deal with Ryedawg and his sycophants who don't even run the game. I shouldn't have the third job.

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU5 years ago

Its a good idea. I will look at how such things are changed and see if they look good later. I will add them, get screen captures, change it back, and people can vote if they think it looks good. Honestly I hadn't ever considered changing the art.

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU5 years ago

Did I say chat? I meant in general, even I mistype occasionally, but yeh that was a dick comment. I don't like you. I don't want you in my chat. Cry on a forum about it, ah you did it before I could even suggest it. You can lie and say false things all you want anywhere else, I am sorry you won't be able to in my chat. Gotta wonder how you so quickly realised you were banned though...

Just gotta say, I think it likely that you dislike me because I didn't watch your video defending me and I said repeatedly that I have no idea who you are but at least we will have those fond memories.

benang: The Site
New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU5 years ago

Just in case anyone cares, here is a shot of when the first post was made and deleted The person in question was watching my stream and thus saw me delete it and so decided to spam the message 25 times. When I started to delete them, as shown in the next video, he started spamming it again. This is why there is a 3 minute window between spamming at the end of the video.

This was repeated with two other messages, over the course of half an hour. While I have reports where people mention this occurring, I do not have screen captures of the other two spammings due to Ryedawg wanting to avoid a ban. Apologizing to avoid a ban is not an apology. Ryedwag has a history is disrupting discourse and he does not run the game, which I think is evidenced by his spamming 3 messages 20 or so times each.

If I can just get some acknowledgement that if he spams again there will be some repercussions I will be satisfied. My primary goal is to have my forum be usable again.

YUMmy_Bacon5 menyukai ini
New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU5 years ago

Do you ever get tired of being wrong? https://i.imgur.com/73VIjTk.png I of course can't show myself checking your followage, I knew you were not following me despite your trolling in my chat. But circumstantially this would be a massive coincidence wouldn't you say? Illuminati7777 isn't banned. KD isn't banned. They can hate me but they aren't trolls.

"Why can't I speak in Vipers channel where I am for whatever reason checking if I am banned!" Cries in English_Ben

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU5 years ago

I can make shit memes as well. It has the advantage of being based on fact but when have facts ever mattered here https://i.imgur.com/F5NCxnv.png

Orchlon dan tolly2hot menyukai ini
New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU5 years ago

Come on man. Even the small video I showed has there being 3 minutes between the groups of spam posts. He started to respam the message because he was watching on my stream that I was deleting them. He also did it with multiple messages over a 30 minute period.

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU5 years ago

Toriks. You literally don't see or check any of the runs that get submitted. Since when did you want to see all the runs? We have a back catalogue of hundreds that you haven't seen, shall I pop the popcorn? Are we meant to divine when you want to be included? What other things do we have to specifically reach out to you and contact you about, can I get a list? I must have missed the memo where I was required to read your mind. You clearly don't give a shit about me, yet you want me to care about you? What amazing hypocrisy.

Ryedawg has done everything humanly possible to violate boards. He has deleted entire categories, deleted dozens of runs, deleted dozens of posts, spammed on discussion posts, trolled on discussion posts, made memes attacking runners, lied to speedrun.com mods, lied about GTA V moderators and the list goes on and on. This isn't a person who is speedrunning, this isn't a person who deserves to be on a leaderboard. Bad actions in life SHOULD have consequences. If any of you want to defend any of the listed actions in the first post as "good" and undeserving of reprimand, feel free. If you want to argue the submission of this run is anything but trolling, also make that case. Too much time is dedicated on this board to cleaning up Ryedawg's shit despite that he has not even touched the game in over 3 years. Give me one good reason why I should put up with a person who has specifically, maliciously, harassed me and tried to make my life worse for the last 2 fucking years. Who, even beyond me, has done nothing but treat speedrunning with nothing but disrespect. Who, even for the troll, wasn't willing to actually open this dam game and do a run?

Patrick_ dan Xcxd28 menyukai ini
New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU5 years ago
<The only reason someone should be banned is for cheating> *Begins doxxing, DDOSing, Swatting, Kills half the other runners in their sleep* *Derpeth yells from the background* Yeh but he didn't cheat tho.....

Your tolerance for bullshit that you don't have to deal with or put up with is admirable Derpeth but, as it stands, if Ryedawg wanted this run on the boards he shouldn't have removed it a year ago. If he wanted to be included on these boards then he shouldn't have gone out of his way to disrespect them as best as he could. The idea that literally lying to moderation staff to take over a board ISN'T a bannable offence is laughable in of itself but the rest holy hell. No run that violates a rule has been submitted and accepted after a rule has changed. We do not remove runs from the board that do not conform to rule changes, we have never added them after the fact. When people are voting or advising on rule changes, they obviously shouldn't be allowed to have secret non-submitted runs that would influence what they say that no one else knows about.

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU5 years ago

Ryedwag has submitted a run to the leaderboards, his run will be rejected (*edit and he will be banned) for the following reasons:

  1. He lied to the speedrun moderators in order to have all the previous moderators removed, without any discussion and with the expressed goal to give power to himself.

  2. His removing of all his previous runs and posts from the boards, suggesting his complete lack of interest in the boards or the speedgame.

  3. His massive, multiple spamming campaigns on the forums. https://imgur.com/a/nd8w6XN

  4. Lastly, he is submitting a run not due to a desire to compete but to enable further shit posting. His submission is in fact a resubmission of an old run done over three years ago. This act is clearly done just to quell the claims the he is not 'a runner' of the game. He admits this in the tag line. He couldn't even be bothered to run the game once more to achieve his malicious ends https://imgur.com/a/PqInhr0

  5. He deleted the entire San Andreas Individual leaderboards at one stage simply because he felt like it.

  6. It does not follow the rules that FPS must be shown and be capped to 90.

This clearly evidences Ryedawg's lack of respect for these boards and speedrunning in general. These actions are clearly disqualifying. This is not Ryedawg's shit posting play ground. I am tired of being the one to have to clean up Ryedawg's garbage on these boards. I am the one who has to delete 100s of dam repeated posts. He is banned from these boards, for whatever that is worth.

*Editors note: Ryedawg's run violates the rules and there is no precedent to accept it. I believe the things I have listed should result in Ryedawg being banned. I can't ban him. Toriks has suggested he will accept Ryedawg's runs if they do not violate the rules, that is his prerogative.

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU5 years ago

After running the game at 75. Both Toriks and I agree that 90 FPS cap is acceptable. Toriks did a poll on the GTA forums that suggested most people think 90 FPS is the best option.

The rules will now be as follows, I will update the boards in due course and I will make a guide.

  1. FPS must be shown on stream for runs and be shown to be capped at 90 FPS. Programs such as Rivatuner are recommended to achieve this function.
Louis6321 menyukai ini
New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU5 years ago

The statement "because it's their preference" assumes that everyone is equally capable of doing that. That is of course not the case. I am not sure how much effect FPS has in hit and run, but it is significant in GTA V. If you believe world records should be determined by hardware rather than skill, that is of course a difference of values that I will have trouble cracking. There is no objective 'best' measure of speedrunning. I view it as skill, you are more comfortable with it being more related to money, we disagree.

benang: The Site
New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU5 years ago

Hello I can't find a specific place to report this but a user is spamming our forums to make them unusable. Can 'Ryedawg' please be banned or we supermods be given the ability to do this ourselves? Here is an image https://imgur.com/a/nd8w6XN Here is a clip of me trying, and failing, to delete them all

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU5 years ago

Here are the considerations: Reducing people's ability to simply spend more money to increase their hardware advantage. Normalizing, as much as possible, the hardware differences between individual runners. Maintaining the actual play-ability of the game, i.e enjoyment. Keeping the world records on the board beatable so we don't have to wipe the boards.

75 fps is a balance of all 4 considerations. You can scream "Why not 74 FPS, or 76!" but at the end of the day there has to be a value chosen.

You started this conversation by arguing no FPS cap should be done. Now you are speaking about caring that some people can't reach 75 FPS. Do you have a consistent position or are you just going to troll me all day? Either balancing hardware matters to you. or it doesn't. Can you pick one so I can actually engage with what you actually believe?

To the question of "Yeh but what about X! Why care about Y when X exists" Loadless timing is harder to address and a separate topic. I cover it here Just because we can't remove 100% of the effect of hardware doesn't mean removing SOME is a pointless endeavour. It doesn't matter what you restrict, SOMEONE will not be able to meet the standard. It is a matter of balancing the 4 considerations listed above.

If you are making the case that 60, 70 and 75 fps are not particularly different, or rather you can't see the difference, then why are you arguing with me?

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU5 years ago

Reading here it seems that people don't know what impact FPS has, and don't seem to understand what Chilli said, so I will simplify it. Speedboosts are not simply achieved from curbs, they are achieved from any 'bump' in the game. The higher your FPS, the more of the variations in the ground your system is likely to detect and the more times it will detect each bump. So you could drive on a, to our eyes, flat surface and gain a speed difference between 60 and 90 fps. So you both gain more speed boosts and the speed boost have more impact the higher your FPS. The principle of this was shown in this video Additionally, it appears loading is somewhat effected by FPS too (explaining my and Toriks' loading differences) as shown in this video These are the facts. Higher FPS is faster.

I will try and respond to @illuminati7777 post in a non-hostile way. "If you want to get a higher FPS, and therefore go faster, then do offline runs, or use NVENC, or use lower quality settings for the stream." Illumanati. Everyone's PC can not produce the same FPS, regardless of how much you reduce the load. By advocating for speedrunning to become a hardware contest, the world record will ultimately go to whomever has the most money. You are ultimately saying "Speedrunning should be pay to win". I can not express how....I can not express my feelings to this view in a non-hostile way. Speedrunning is meant to be a contest of skill, not who has the most disposable income. We will never completely remove the effect of hardware, but we are trying to put a fair cap on it. Leaving this open just means that every passing year the previous world records will be easier to beat, not because new strats are found or people become more skilful, but because hardware becomes better. Speedrunning is not a test of how good current CPUs are.

The solution is a 75 fps cap. It will both allow for hardware differences to be normalised while still having current world records be beatable.

afnannen136 dan ureadmyname menyukai ini
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