Pennsylvania, USAClowned1874 years ago

You wouldn't need to show your save file screen, you just need to show your difficulty in settings. And I understand the point of if its part of the game then it should be in, but the game itself including title credits doesn't really start till post. I feel its at least worth bringing up to the community again now that more people have had time to consider viable options. I know until (and its a big if) we get cutscenes skips this game is just not really suited for speedruns, but it could be and Id hate to see it get dry before it has a chance. I would be more than willing to make some clips of possible start times to see if they would be doable and of interest. These are just thoughts and ideas in hopes to make the run more enjoyable. If you would rather me keep discussions to Discord just say so and I'll be happy to. Thanks for taking the time to be a mod. If the runs get going at some point and you need another mod to check runs, I have experience on SRC for God of War 2018 and would be happy to help if I can.

Pennsylvania, USAClowned1874 years ago

I agree the Prologue is the weakest part of the run. I think the runs as a whole would benefit from a start time that was post prologue. Maybe where you meet up with Yuna after the bridge toss cutscene. You could use a save file and just show your difficulty prior to the start time. I ran a lot of the new God of War and the interest in running got significantly higher after cutscenes were skippable. The Prologue in this game is 90% cutscene and a little bit of scripted combat, nothing that would affect the run itself. You don't even get access to the map till post. I would love to do an entire run but with the prologue I dont think I will (makes restarts grrrrrrr lol)

Tidak diketahui
Pennsylvania, USAClowned1875 years ago

Sorry for the delayed response, and maybe this was already covered in Portuguese. But a timer is required on all live streams due to possible frame drops. It is not required on continuous recording and splits are not required for either. This is standard for all GOW categories.

DécioSpeedMaster menyukai ini
Pennsylvania, USAClowned1875 years ago

We have added Valkyrie% categories for New Game Plus to the leader boards. All rules are the same besides being done on a NG+ save. If you have any questions please @Me on the discord page. Thanks and good luck!

Pennsylvania, USAClowned1875 years ago

I don't know why you would consider it cheating. it's not a glitch and can be done by everyone prior to the official start timer stated in the rules. If anything you are cheating yourself by not doing it to prep the run lol. Good luck with your runs!!

Pennsylvania, USAClowned1875 years ago

Adicionamos uma nova categoria ao leaderboard de God of War 2018, chamada "Os Desafios". Ela consiste em vencer todos os desafios de Muspelheim e derrotar a Valquíria no topo da montanha. É uma categoria sem glitches e bugs, sem teleporte, e deve ser bem divertida para todos. Se você tem inteção de correr essa categoria, por favor leia as regras antes de correr. Divirtam-se!

Pennsylvania, USAClowned1875 years ago

We have added a new category to the God of War 2018 leaderboards called "The Trials". It consists of beating all the trials in Muspelheim and defeating the Valkyrie at the top of the mountain. It is a glitchless category with no warping and should be a lot of fun for everyone. If you plan to run this category please make sure to read the rules prior to running. Hope you all enjoy.

Tyloxs menyukai ini
Pennsylvania, USAClowned1875 years ago

There have been some changes on the leader boards for God of War 2018. These changes are made based on the use of DLC/ Pre-order items used in the run (Luck of Ages Talisman and Deaths Vow Armor set). Taking into consideration the Talisman is pre-equipped and must be removed mid run and the armor set is the base for the very hard category runs, we have not removed them completely, but instead have made separate DLC categories and moved them accordingly. Any future runs using either of these items will need to be submitted accordingly under the "difficulty" section on the submission form. We apologize for the lengthy deliberation, but we wanted to cover every option to make it as fair and reasonable for everyone involved. Thank you and good luck on your future runs!

Pennsylvania, USAClowned1876 years ago

That's the reason. I started running the same category with the same type of PS4. A PS4 Pro has faster loading times with performance mode and if you add an SSD drive it gets even faster. The current top runs are all done with a PS4 Pro with a SSD hard drive installed. There is a difference of about 1.5 minutes on the run between the different systems.

Pennsylvania, USAClowned1876 years ago

What kind of PS4 are you playing on?

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