Anyone on here looking to run MGSV? I know I will be at least trying to, but it'd be nice to have a group together to help each-other out.
These forums seem kinda dead but I can't figure out SDA so there we are.
So I've read N_man's tips, poured over the RTA wiki and gotten notes off the web, but this game is super intimidating, especially with superguarding and the glitches needing to be nigh-frame perfect, and having to remain in peril almost constantly? Holy crap might as well sign my death certificate now! XD I love this game a lot, but it's got a barrier to entry that seems huge! Any help in really getting into the meat of this crazy fun game?
Hi everyone! My name's Canopenerdude! Google brought me here about a week ago, and I haven't been able to leave since! There's so much info here on so many great speedruns and talented people, it makes me excited just to be a part of it!
So, a little about me, I guess: I've been on and youtube for a bit now, but haven't really taken off on either. I'm really excited to get into speedrunning! I've done a bit of running Paper Mario TTYD, and Dark Souls I and II, and I'm looking to expand as well! I stream almost every day, so if you're looking for a really chill fun time with a small group, be sure to check me out on!
PS: Does anyone know how the 'streams' tab works? Is it anyone who has an account here, or if you submit a run? Something like that?