Kentucky, USACandyBoots6 years ago

Just going to leave this here.

When I think of saving time in this game, one of the things that come to mind is the speed power-up. Power-ups can be retrieved from destroying spawners, boxes, pots, etc. Just to mess around, sometimes I try for a speed power-up from a spawner in a run. One that I've gotten multiple, but not every time was in Virtual Room 1 (Chapter 2). After the 2nd Citizen, you go to the right on a sidewalk. Pass 1 red spawner and then you will get attacked by a red monster coming from the right side. Right after him is the spawner that I've gotten the speed power-up from on multiple occasions. I tried this several times. Mostly, I've either gotten the Speed power-up or nothing at all. Very few times have I gotten a health power-up or any other miscellaneous power-ups. The reason I put this here in the forums is so this can be documented, if anybody that reads this cares enough to conduct a good amount of research into how power-ups from spawners or other breakables works. I wondered if it had to do with the time on the top-left of the screen, whether the monster itself had influence on it, whether your health influenced it, and other ideas too. Unfortunately, from my understanding (which is pretty minimal), a good theory is that this is 100% RNG based, and there's nothing we can do about it. But that doesn't change the fact that I got this specific power-up many more times than any other power-up when given any power-ups. That's what keeps me from saying the drops being RNG is fact. That's what leaves me with that being a theory. Sorry for the long post, just felt like this could be documented, the reason being that I believe enough Speed drops in a run could bring a time down a really good bit. Of course, there are other things that can save time in a run (good Zord fights, RNG in firetruck levels, movement, etc.), but this is one that intrigues me more and leads me to curiosity. Thanks to anyone who read and even more thanks to anyone who wants to give their time to researching this and helping conduct another theory or if we can make this fact!

Kentucky, USACandyBoots6 years ago

Is there like a written route for all missions/100%? I feel like I’ve seen an Any% route somewhere and the other categories I’m not sure interest me right now, but as far as those two, is there a route available to look at? Thanks!

Kentucky, USACandyBoots6 years ago

So I read on another forum that TheErgkjr (Mod) would only add a category of 100% if they received a run of the category, My question is for clarification on what exactly 100% is. Would 100% be just beat all 6 Playsets, Do every single thing an all 6 Playsets, or every single thing in the original 3? Obviously, it sounds more like the 2nd option would fall more under 100%, but the mods have the choice to clarify the rules for their game, so I'm asking what the real goal should be. Thank you

peck324 menyukai ini
Kentucky, USACandyBoots6 years ago

I think that we could have Misc, categories for completing each Chapter, and then maybe, just maybe, Level Leaderboards for this game. They could be for each of the 28 levels (maybe include the secret levels too). These are just ideas to make the leaderboard bigger and hopefully make the game a bit more competitive :D

Kentucky, USACandyBoots7 years ago

So I know this games pretty much dead, but I still want to know how this game works.. there's this thing in Japes where you shoot a cannon to point in the mountain and pound a switch, the problem is, that point is blocked and I don't know how to get past it, help on this would be great, and any additional help for later in the game would be nice too :)

Kentucky, USACandyBoots7 years ago

Hey guys! I'm trying to get into runs for this game and so far what I've posted makes me proud. I worked on Bottom Point Dash and luckily (I still don't remember/know how) got a 1:30.180 in the IL. I feel like this is inconsistent, so I go back and look at all the segments of my run compared to other's. One thing I know I'm doing wrong is this one trick near the end of the run. I can't explain it but in Yayo's WR video, it's the trick when you skip to about 1:17 in the video. Basically, you go off the rail and land on the ground like what you'd expect. What I'm finding is that it always drops me into the half-pipe instead of on the later ground. I've tried a bunch of inputs and I think it may be a timing issue with the boost dash (either that or it's going incredibly fast from inside the half-pipe -> out). I'd like clarification on this trick. Thanks to those who can help!

Tentang CandyBoots
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