What JTB said. All together I had come to the conclusion that the later patch would cost a runner around 20 seconds between farming more gems + buying and using more potions to use the same strats with Scimitar that version 1.0 uses. 20 seconds matters at the WR level, but literally every other run (for now) can still be beat without those 20 seconds of extra time save.
Here's a clip. When doing the setup, I look for the big rock in the ground that's to the left of the torch, and stand with Vi's feet on either side of it. Then, once the conving hits you, hold right and do your jump/jump/flutter combo to get over the trigger.
There's a spot you can stand at from which you get damage boosted by the conving and then you can just hold right and jump jump flutter before getting hit by the middle statue. You can find it in my runs or I can get you a clip once I'm home from work tonight.
It's not frame perfect, I'd say I'm about 80% consistent with it, could probably get better with dedicated practice.
Cheers for running this, good luck :)
LOL what? So she just didn't do the final phase? That's awesome. I wonder if Frayzlo has seen this before :O
I tested this a lot yesterday and the fastest route I could come up with ended up being about 20 seconds behind the early bullet route.