British Columbia, CanadaBuju3 years ago

Vsync on makes the entire run slower because it limits the loading animation to 1 animation frame per engine frame (50 Hz). You should have vsync off.

British Columbia, CanadaBuju4 years ago

Press "View rules" when viewing a category to see what the rules are for that category. If it's not 100%, you don't need 100%.

dark_alex333 menyukai ini
British Columbia, CanadaBuju4 years ago

The bug Spec3x reported should now be fixed since the release of version 3.8 earlier this year.

British Columbia, CanadaBuju4 years ago

Wow, that's a huge timing difference. Yes, the moderators need to make sure the runs are ending with the right category requirements.

British Columbia, CanadaBuju6 years ago

That happens with that version in OpenGL mode. It's a known bug that should be fixed in the latest version that'll come out soon. For now, use Direct3D9 (shader). Change it via the registry files in the WA\Tweaks folder if you can't use the menu.

benang: The Site
British Columbia, CanadaBuju7 years ago

Disclaimer: I'm only further explaining any misunderstandings in this post.

Yes, that run was verified months later, along with Punchy's run. The reason was because at the time it was submitted, I wasn't comfortable adding an unknown version category because future runners wouldn't be able to ensure they are properly competing with other runs in the same category. I have a background at TASvideos.org, where the players and admins are adamant about competition being accessible for anyone who sees any run. There, the game's ROM hash is included with the submission partially so the next runner knows exactly which version of the game was being run. In the case of this game, many changes were being made which drastically affected the balance, so I felt this was important. I explained this to the runner, and he and I spoke with the developers to try to get version numbers added, but they weren't interested and were continuously making changes that affected runs greatly. There weren't any other submitted runs of the Steam release at the time and I was busy IRL, so I didn't pursue it further.

Within a week after I made my original run, I was hired for a full-time job where I've had to work many extra hours, so it's true that I haven't had much time for running games any more since then, and I still don't have much time. I worked overtime today too.

In the end, considering BulletNick's fervor and initiative in handling the leaderboards, I'm perfectly happy with him handling it all, like I said in a post earlier. I just hope version numbers are added as a variable to the leaderboards when they're implemented, which the developers have said today in Discord that they'll do.

There's been a lot of misunderstanding surrounding this whole situation, but I hope this clarifies the last bit of it. Punchy, please try to be a little more patient and understanding in the future. Nice runs, by the way. BulletNick, I apologize for not spending the extra time to seek out your boards. I really didn't know about it and was banking on being contacted while I was running my busy schedule IRL.

YUMmy_Bacon5 dan gooperman menyukai ini
benang: The Site
British Columbia, CanadaBuju7 years ago

I definitely approve most about the way the leaderboards were changed, at least. There are some minor things I still take issue with, but I'd have been willing to compromise. I hadn't seen BulletNick's excellently-constructed external site until reading Punchy's post here and I didn't trust Punchy with moderation privileges due to his attitude toward me and lack of constructive discussion. In the end, I'm glad Punchy and BulletNick were made to be mods though. It was just a matter of trust that I didn't immediately make them mods. With constructive discussion and a normal resolution, it would have happened. However, being stripped despite actively working on the boards didn't make sense to me.

"Again, he didn't lose interest. He never ran full game to begin with."

When I ran the full game, that's what it was: the entire game that existed. There were 3 floors and when the third boss was defeated, the game ended. There was no 4th floor and it seemed useful to start a leaderboard for it. I waited a couple months with no submissions and the devs of the game uninterested in making the game work well for speedrunning at the time (versioning, in particular, while adding tons of new major features like new floors), then stopped following the Discord community for it. I did lose interest at that time. Also, I considered it unproductive to add a new leaderboard while the game was in heavy development with no versioning system and I was the only person interested in speedrunning it. Now that that's not the case, I'm very enthusiastic about it.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Hako dan 2 lainnya menyukai ini
benang: The Site
British Columbia, CanadaBuju7 years ago

I ran the full game 9 months ago, when the Monolith download page was https://team-d-13.itch.io/monolith . At that time, that exact version of the game was the latest and it was not called "Monolith Demo", but just "Monolith". Now that it's considered a demo, the link to the Monolith demo needs to be updated in its category's rules since the URL has since been changed to https://team-d-13.itch.io/monolithdemo . I can't do that now that I'm not a mod.

Also, what if I had decided to run it considering the new flurry of activity? I intended to after your submission, Punchy. The only reason I wasn't running was because it seemed like interest in speedrunning the game was dead, as nobody had submitted anything or even contacted me about it.

YUMmy_Bacon5 menyukai ini
benang: The Site
British Columbia, CanadaBuju7 years ago

I was also coming here to report the "number" and "digit" issue. It looks like SpiderSponge has also reported it above.

Edit: Looks fixed now. Thanks!

Edit: And now it doesn't look fixed.

RiaCorvidiva menyukai ini
British Columbia, CanadaBuju7 years ago

For the last 9 months, many changes have been made that change runs significantly. For example, new weapons have been added, a glitch allowing bosses to be skipped existed until very recently (2017-12-27), and crossbeam laser allowed you to deal triple damage until a few months after the Steam release. The devs are continuously adding things and fixing issues which affect speed. However, I saw in Discord that they plan to finally add a version n u m b e r to new builds going forward.

Edit: Sorry for the multi-post. The browser lagged and it didn't seem like my post was being sent, so I pressed the button a few times.

Edit 2: Looks like the word "n u m b e r" without the spaces gets changed into something broken in this forum software, so I've spaced it out to work around it.

British Columbia, CanadaBuju7 years ago

OK. Thanks for the response.

British Columbia, CanadaBuju7 years ago

The boards are nicely formatted in most other ways, but there is still no version-related information per run. Since that's the case, bugs in the game will be fixed or not fixed and runs will haphazardly be compared with each other while some runners were able to exploit particular bugs or new weapons and mechanics, and other runners weren't. It's important to have a version field for a game in heavy development. How about an exe timestamp field? There should be at least something distinguishing between versions.

Edit: Actually, a file timestamp won't work, as Steam updates set the timestamps when they update, which may not be the same for everyone.

benang: The Site
British Columbia, CanadaBuju7 years ago

The boards are nicely formatted in most other ways, but you still have no version-related information per run. Since that's the case, bugs will be fixed or not fixed and runs will haphazardly be compared with each other while some runners were able to exploit particular bugs or new weapons and mechanics, and other runners weren't. I was worried you might not consider that, and it's turned out my worry has been justified. It's important to have a version field for a game in heavy development. How about an exe timestamp field? There should be at least something distinguishing between versions.

Also, sudden lethality runs should not be compared with normal lethality runs, as the lethality greatly varies the damage the player does and changes the entire balance of the game. A normal lethality run requires more time and different weapon choices due to ammo.

Edit after Punchy's reply below: OK. I've moved discussion of this to the Monolith forum.

YUMmy_Bacon5 menyukai ini
benang: The Site
British Columbia, CanadaBuju7 years ago

It was public, on Twitter. Punchy has me blocked there now so I can't link directly to the first post, but it all started there. Here's Punchy's profile, at least. https://twitter.com/Succinct_Punchy

YUMmy_Bacon5 menyukai ini
benang: The Site
British Columbia, CanadaBuju7 years ago

I was the moderator of the Monolith leaderboards until just now. Nobody but Punchy spoke directly to me before this decision was made, and I immediately started being active after the requests were made, which was only 2 days ago. I requested more information from Punchy, such as the location of the external leaderboards, so I could format the boards in a way that the game's community agrees upon, but I couldn't find that external document. Only now, from reading Punchy's post above, have I seen that link. I can easily reformat the boards to match the desired format. I was actively sorting everything out, but now I've been stripped of moderator, despite being active immediately since being first contacted 2 days ago.

At the time I made my first run, there was no Monolith speedrunning community, and nobody contacted me or submitted any runs for 5 months. In that time, the game was continuously in development and a Steam release eventually happened a few months after my speedrun.com run. I had moved on to other games since it seemed nobody was interested in competing, and the developers stopped adding version numbers with the Steam updates. The game was in very heavy development, causing any new runs to immediately require new categories, so I had no direct way to create lasting categories with version numbers. Only 1 time was I contacted about a new run since then before Punchy, and at that time, the runner and I agreed that we couldn't develop the leaderboards very well without version numbers during heavy development. We requested that the devs add version numbers, but they weren't interested.

Only 2 days ago, Punchy requested he be added as moderator. As I have a history in the competitive speedrunning community from long before speedrun.com, I am wary of newcomers, so I tried to explain the situation to him before immediately handing over moderator power. He became rude and angry, insulting me and assuming that I had no idea what was going on. I hadn't been following the Monolith community actively, but directed to the right place, I can easily keep up and moderate. With that said, Punchy persisted in acting very very rudely, and it made me definitely not want to give him moderator powers, as it seemed likely he wouldn't handle them properly with a good spirit of competition. I had already verified and accepted his submitted run though, and was looking for constructive feedback on improving the boards.

I'm requesting that I, at least, am added back as moderator. I suspect Punchy will remove my Demo 5 category, which is still a legitimate separate category for the game, especially because it's a free download, so anyone can compete in it. At the time I made the run, it was the full game, also.

TL;DR: Game's speedrunning community didn't exist for months after I made original board and run 9 months ago. Game was in heavy development and changing a lot every update, so I did other things temporarily. As soon as I was contacted 2 days ago, I started working on the leaderboards and processed all submissions, and in the process of getting feedback about what was wanted, I was stripped of moderator status without enough communication.

YUMmy_Bacon5 menyukai ini
benang: The Site
British Columbia, CanadaBuju7 years ago

Could a simple [code] tag be added? It doesn't have to have syntax highlighting or anything like that; just a monospace font and disable parsing until it finds [/code].

Ansiando, blueYOSHI dan 2 lainnya menyukai ini
benang: The Site
British Columbia, CanadaBuju7 years ago

I agree that the rule is ambiguous. One could argue that ending on night 5, no matter how you got there, could be considered "completing the first 5 nights", as the 5th night was completed, and time is linear, meaning the previous 4 nights must have existed if night 5 existed.

The mod should clarify the rule to prevent ambiguity.

British Columbia, CanadaBuju7 years ago

I've added a section linking to this site on the WKB mission records page: https://worms2d.info/Mission_records

It also links to Mablak's mission speed strategy resources.

British Columbia, CanadaBuju7 years ago

Each loading animation spends 0.02 seconds per frame if Vsync is enabled. With Vsync disabled, the animation goes as fast as your computer can load the mission, which should be nearly instant. This saves some time over the full run.

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