As of today, I have reached 1000 verifications on LOIR, making me the user with the most verifications on this game, by almost DOUBLE the second place! ( @Funado with 500-ish).
Thank you but also not really to the runners that made this possible!
In rules its stated that audio is required and recording with 3rd party devices is not allowed.
May I ask why? A game that uses IGT should have no worries with splits since the time is displayed anyways and splits are very hard to edit since you would have to also put the contestant in the exact same position as before. Maybe say its recomended but not required
If you do not have a specific reason/Did not encounter any case where audio and or not recording with a 3rd party device was crucial for the verification of the run, I may ask you to remove these unnecessary rules
Thank you
I would like to ask where does the run begin/end, what are some other rules about the game, and suggest some categories such as: Kill everything Any% (you have to kill everything on every room at least once) Kill what you see Any% (self explainatory) Kill something% Die% No attacking No defending Get one key, get 2 keys Get to 100 time Never surpass 30 time Never go below 30 time
My keyboard layout is Portuguese; My letter keys are in the same place as the US keyboard but the symbols aren't, does that still count? My keyboard layout from left to right up to down is qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm I also have a "ç" after the l but that doesnt work in-game
I speedrun seterra, but my best times are in the touch web section. Is there any way to make it so only that times appear? (When possible)
I'm trying to make a dc bot with python and it extracts the html code of the user's page. But I can't find an accurate way to count the amount of wrs or other places set by that player. Is there any keyword that appears before of after a place? Please help if you know's html code The amount of wrs set on a specific category and who set them would also be very useful information
In my summer vacations, I spent 8 hours in a row playing zelda botw. My friend told me he had spent 11 hours playing fortnite. What's your pb?
There should be an option to add another user's name for the creation of a guide, as many times it is a product of team work and not individual work.
I know this is a lot like a meme, but come on, like, this would be challenging and an alternative to Any%
True neverclick hardcore NGC is possible, but only during christmas, once reindeers don't count as GC. Therefore, if a player is looking for a True Hardcore gaming experience, this would be his best choice. Doing the math, In Hardcore you starts by buying a farm at 500 cookies which can be done after 20 reindeers. Assuming every reindeer spawns about each 4 minutes, you can expect the run to resume as NGC Hardcore in 80 minutes or an hour and 20 minutes. (Which is possible)