LithuaniaBlantas5 years ago

If you have multiple graphics cards, make sure everything (game, obs) runs on the same card.

LithuaniaBlantas5 years ago

I guess, the most significant difference is probably there's no Pimping mission in the Japanese PS2 version, but 100% would still be slower even without that compared to PC version.

Booskop, Hatimi dan 2 lainnya menyukai ini
LithuaniaBlantas5 years ago

For people who can't get to take snapshots from the airport... The reason is because you miss weather cycle. At 10:00 o'clock (in game time) the weather in SF changes into Cloudy, so to avoid that, you should be in the Countryside region to get a different weather. Just stand in the red zone (image below) and you'lll be fine:



hoxi menyukai ini
LithuaniaBlantas5 years ago

It depends on what "normal 100%" means to you. The current In game 100% category goal is based on the in game stats / counter. It doesn't matter if you skip any objectives. Basically, just get the game to tell you that you finished game 100% (game shows you notification upon getting that).

The current "100%" category is based on individual missions/objectives which give % points. Once you complete all of them, it's done.

The category namings might sound confusing, but that's just the way it is.

Derpeth dan NERS menyukai ini
LithuaniaBlantas5 years ago

Are you using an SSD? It might happen due to slow hard drive. So, an ssd or ram disk might reduce load times.

Also, check in task manager maybe there are any apps which read/write a lot of data during your gameplay (antivirus, windows updates, etc).

EDIT: illuminati7777 beat me. Basically., what he said.

benang: Devastation
LithuaniaBlantas5 years ago

Any plans to add ILs for every mission?

LithuaniaBlantas6 years ago

IGT starts after loading bar dissappears, actually.

LithuaniaBlantas6 years ago

The frame limiter rule should be removed in my opinion. Why would you force someone to keep it on if it's an easily accessible game option. Yes, Rockstar don't suggest turning it off, but it doesn't mean player should completely avoid it. If creators truly wanted to limit player's fps, then such game option wouldn't exist at all.

And no external fps limiters should be allowed just like any other 3rd party software to modify game. If you want to toggle your fps -> use in-game option during the run.

Unlimited fps makes my game unstable! / I'm scared!

Then simply don't use it. No one would force you to play with uncapped fps. Speedrun like you speedran before.

My computer isn't powerful enough! I don't get much fps! It would be unfair!

Why not forcing everyone to play with same draw distance then? And in same resolution! And on same specs computers! Oh! And don't forget same model keyboards/mouses (those people with extra mouse buttons really get unfair advantage! Sarcasm ends

You can't blame other people for having better hardware. It's the same way with loading times in games. Has anyone ever complained about it as peope who use ssd get unfair advantage because of fast loads? If you still think it would be still unfair, you should realize that due to different hardware people already get different fps while pause-buffering.

I will still play with FL ON and I don't want to have anything related to runs with uncapped fps

Of course. Just add an option while submitting runs to tell whether frame limiter was on the whole time or not. And such people can filter leaderboard by this criteria.

Why would you play game with unlimited fps? You would get more time lost due to game bugs than timesaves because of higher fps! If it doesn't make any difference then why not allow it, it's runner's decision whether he wants to go fast or slow.

mLg dan KinzyKenzie menyukai ini
LithuaniaBlantas6 years ago

[quote]Make it the same as GTA3 and VC for timing start. Once the loading screen is gone start time. [/quote]


[quote]The timer should start after the loading bar disappears after fresh game start, and yes every run should have the same ruleset as WRs currently have. Old runs can be retimed by adding however many seconds it takes from loading bar disappearance to control gain. (If the time it takes is inconsistent then the cutscene skip is the best option). Regardless all runs should require fresh game start.[/quote]



About runs with no video proof... Like most people said, they should stay. Once they got verified - they stay verified (unless later we find out they were cheated or something).

Derpeth menyukai ini
benang: The Site
LithuaniaBlantas6 years ago

So, as the title says, I'm unable to post runs via API. Server returns 500. Either the run data I'm submitting contains something that breaks it, or there might be some internal problems in the API (hopefully, not).

Here's the json object with the run data: https://pastebin.com/raw/RzeCqktc

LithuaniaBlantas6 years ago

Can be done by quickly releasing camera aim button -> switching weapon -> pressing aim button again. Probably can be used with Pistol, Micro-SMG and Sawn-off Shotgun as well. Also, if you aim with any weapon, then walk over Jetpack, then quickly do the same button combination (Release aim -> Switch weapon -> Aim) then you can fly while aiming with any gun (for example, fly with jetpack while aiming with desert eagle or rocket launcher, sadly, you cannot shot).

First person camera can be achieved this way also.

Anton103, Tier4Jean, dan hoxi menyukai ini
LithuaniaBlantas7 years ago

Update 1.3: Added support for current Windows Store version (

Download link: https://github.com/Blantas/san-andreas-loadremoval-for-livesplit

Zachoholic menyukai ini
LithuaniaBlantas7 years ago

The 1.2 update is out now. It should fix some of the previous problems.

Download link: https://github.com/Blantas/san-andreas-loadremoval-for-livesplit

Andra dan Zachoholic menyukai ini
LithuaniaBlantas7 years ago

You add two timers into yourlayout. One should have REAL TIME timing method, the other one GAME TIME. Here's a simple layout - https://www.dropbox.com/s/q2xf7re3ukmhodk/LoadRemoval_Demo.lsl?dl=0 (the path of the scriptable auto splitter in the layout needs to be updated though).

LithuaniaBlantas7 years ago

Yes, like coollertmb, said. Actually both can be added via layout editing, but since tduva's splitter is official, it's easier to activate that one in the splits.

LithuaniaBlantas7 years ago

Both scripts can be used together and would work fine. I use tduva's for splitting and mine for load less time.

LithuaniaBlantas7 years ago

So, since there were no script for livesplit to remove loading times for the game, I thought it's a good idea to make one.

Basically, the script is based on gameplay timer, which means, whenever it stops game is trying to load something (like various models, animations, other stuff). The most noticeable loads are before cutscenes and loading game worlds.

I recorded a short video with the script running if anyone is interested:

Currently it should work for 1.0/1.01/3.00 and current steam versions. German versions and 2.0 aren't supported (I didn't have a chance to play with those yet).

Download link: https://github.com/Blantas/san-andreas-loadremoval-for-livesplit

If you see any bugs or want to say something else related to the script, feel free to leave a reply here.


The game gets paused when game suspends game timer (uses CTimer::Suspend()) or other loads happen by directly calling CStreaming::LoadAllRequestedModels() function. The load removal component detects both ways of game getting paused. Game suspends game timer while: ¤ Loading IPL files. ¤ Loading collision data. ¤ Updating world after using EntryExit. ¤ Handling Trip Skip process. ¤ Loading path data. ¤ Handling 038B opcode (loads any requested models). ¤ Loading mission script (probably unused?). ¤ Handling 0417 opcode (loads mission script). ¤ Loading item prices from shopping.dat file. ¤ Loading ped's models. ¤ Blending ped's textures. ¤ Reducing ped's palette size. ¤ Loading cutscene data from cuts.img file. ¤ Deleting cutscene data. ¤ Loading cutscene data. ¤ Loading mission text. ¤ Loading mission pack text (probably unused). ¤ Saving taken photo into drive.

So all tasks mentioned above get detected as well as all loads which are done by using CStreaming::LoadAllRequestedModels function (loading collisions, models, textures, text, scripts, etc.).

The priority of detecting loads in this component is checking if CStreaming::LoadAllRequestedModels function is active. If script doesn't detect any loads, then it checks if game timer is paused (game might be doing one of the tasks from the list above).

darkgeorge12, Reset dan 7 lainnya menyukai ini
LithuaniaBlantas7 years ago

Not sure what's the structure (html/js) of that page and how the site deals with sorting, but maybe it can be done faster using dev tools in browser? Like manually editing form in page's source code and then submitting it.

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