CanadaArco4 years ago

Most of them were my first attempts, so the time can definitely go lower; probably as much as an hour before crazy rng is needed (on easy anyway). Still hoping for the Kamino rng to happen during one of the CIS GC's lol

CanadaArco4 years ago

While IL's have the Instant Action All Maps category, I thought I'd try one for the GC's. As the title suggests, it's all the GC's combined into one run (one completion of each; order doesn't matter).

BostonBrew menyukai ini
CanadaArco5 years ago

Are IL timings also allowed to start upon hitting the "next level" button after completing the previous hole? (ex. hole 4 IL starting from the completion screen of hole 3) Idk if there is a noticeable difference in load times, but it would allow IL times in any% runs to be eligible as well.

CanadaArco5 years ago

Just wondering if categories such as 'World 2' (all 18 holes in World 2) and IL's (for each of the 36 holes) have been considered before. I've been trying to find consistent strats for World 2, and those additions might incentivise others to try as well, since going from World 1 to All Cups is a pretty big leap.

99er menyukai ini
CanadaArco5 years ago

yeah I can resubmit the 3:11 once the 3:10 is moved over

CanadaArco5 years ago

@ureadmyname my 3:10 candyland custom time should be under new physics (did the run about 1.5 months ago I think); for old physics, I believe you and I were tied at 3:11

lmk if I have to re-submit one or both of the runs

CanadaArco5 years ago

Option 5 means that the new physics/IL runs will be the primary display, with the old physics/IL runs a click or two away as a "sub category" board so to speak? That'll be my vote.

Quick side note: Space Random is hilarious cause of all the bugged shape interactions atm (gravity, tunnels, certain terrain, etc.)

CanadaArco5 years ago

I don't see how that would clutter the boards. This game is still going to be adding maps/other content and changes that will likely affect both full game and IL boards at some point in the future, so adding extra info is inevitable. Going off what Tech mentioned, that solution is probably one of the better ways to help prepare for any potential big changes, since by then we'd have a base layout to add upon with all the past + current full game categories split into different time periods of major physics changes.

Some of IL's may be a bit trickier to split (if we have to resort to that anyways) since the different goal types change the time outcome by a lot for some of the categories. I know this is a custom/random niche problem, and I know that the reason they haven't been split is because the lack of interest, but it feels weird seeing them all combined together. Perfect example: at the time of making this post, my time in 'Ancient: Custom' is the only one that uses hockey goals, while the rest use golf holes.

CanadaArco5 years ago

Idk of all of the physics changes, but from what everyone has been describing, ureadmyname's last post makes sense to me. I still stand by my suggestion to have previous full game categories as misc. ones (forest - twilight, forest - haunted etc.) Perhaps these could start fresh under the new physics (everyone can have an equal playing field without having to dig back to an older version), then the remaining old physics runs could be archived into a subcategory in their respective spots; (Possibly for IL's too, since I saw those were mentioned as well). Side note: since the random category hasn't split into different goal types (yet?), my few random dunk runs that I have act as "old physics" ones I guess lol

CanadaArco5 years ago

It's ideal in the long run for old runs to be archived as subcategories rather than deleted. I wasn't around for the early days of this game, but maybe adding full game categories as misc for forest-twilight + ones for each additional map added since that time could be a silver lining for all the old deleted runs + serve as intro categories for anyone out there trying to learn the newest version of full game run(s) or just want to run part of it. This would help in the future as well for when more maps get added, avoiding situations like this one every 1 or 2 years. As for the physics changes, I assume you're all referencing classic? I play more Custom and Random, and from my recent experiences so far, the changes have either remained roughly the same, or improved the strats from before. (Anyone with more experience than me can prove me wrong, just mentioning my perspective so far)

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