Portland, OR, USAAprilSR3 years ago

You should report this to the livesplit devs. We can't do anything about it.

Propants menyukai ini
Portland, OR, USAAprilSR3 years ago

The rules, I believe, very clearly state that cheats are banned

YUMmy_Bacon5, G1bnick dan 5 lainnya menyukai ini
benang: The Site
Portland, OR, USAAprilSR3 years ago

I mean I would like to hear a more detailed and specific stance on how exactly I should be handling the games that people request at some point regardless of sharp’s mistake here. Especially regarding servers that have some PVP games and stuff of that sort.

Edit/Update: Sharp has removed most of the recently added games; the ones that remain seem to be extremely well-justified leaderboards to me.

benang: The Site
Portland, OR, USAAprilSR3 years ago

update: sharp is working on addressing the problem - specifically removing all the games that were added just to add them and not because people actually want to run them, I believe

benang: The Site
Portland, OR, USAAprilSR3 years ago

I am actually of the opinion that literally any game (with the exception of games consisting entirely of autoscrollers or which have literally 0 gameplay) should be allowed on the site. I do not understand what exactly you think “trashing the site” entails. Oh no, the list of all games in alphabetical order will include low quality games? It already does, that ship has sailed.

Maybe the search bar picking up the wrong game could be a problem? Hm. Maybe filter certain times of games lower in search results or something? I haven’t ever observed this being an actual problem in practice, and I have observed speedrun communities being unable to rank their times on a few occasions.

name dan XandoToaster menyukai ini
benang: The Site
Portland, OR, USAAprilSR3 years ago

all the most egregious ones were added like yesterday by sharp is my understanding. equating the fan game thing with the server / map thing seems silly to me.

Kai. menyukai ini
benang: The Site
Portland, OR, USAAprilSR3 years ago

I am very confused about what exactly people think the harm of having trash games on the site is. It can’t be clutter, there are so many nontrash but inactive games that it’d still be absurdly cluttered if you somehow removed literally every trash game from the site.

I won’t deliberately add games which unambiguously have 0 interesting speedrun potential but I don’t see a reason why it wouldn’t make sense to err heavily on the side of making a leaderboard for any game that might have potential. So I don’t see why making a minecraft fan game series would be bad.

name, XandoToaster dan 2 lainnya menyukai ini
benang: The Site
Portland, OR, USAAprilSR3 years ago

oh also all the fan games in the screenshot were added by sharp, I don’t remember having added any fan games except I think like one I requested through the site-wide game add system several years ago

I might’ve added one or two? at some point? idk. I will talk to sharp I guess

Bob-chicken dan MrMega menyukai ini
benang: The Site
Portland, OR, USAAprilSR3 years ago

Hi it’s me april I added most of these games (acting on behalf of the whole mod team to an extent. most of the rest of the team with perhaps the exception of sharp don’t really pay attention to the creating leaderboards for maps / servers thing, but it’s not like I’m acting behind their backs or something ridiculous like that.)

I am aware of the no pvp rule - the problem is that many servers often also have non-pvp based things such as parkour sections, and I do not vet every single server for what exact kind of runs can be done on it. I don’t think rejecting a leaderboard request because it might have some pvp categories when there are also perfectly acceptable categories is reasonable.

(I will also admit that my opinion that the no pvp rule is somewhat silly has caused me to be somewhat lax about enforcing it. I’m not like deliberately setting out to evade it but I pay very little attention to it. Regardless I think my point about legitimate categories existing for many of these games is relevant.)

I was not aware of the minesweeper clone rule, but regardless I would argue the map is not exactly a minesweeper clone.

I do reject requests that are sufficiently frivolous - I recently rejected a request for minecraft pre-classic on the basis that the only category, dig down to the bottom of the world, consisted only of spam clicking for several seconds.

If the SRC admins have a problem with how I run things i invite them to contact me so we can discuss further what exactly I should and should not be adding. I am happy to comply if their rules make sense to me or step down otherwise.

The unofficial games being listed as official thing is mostly not under my control - I am entirely unable to directly alter that myself and must go through the SRC admins.

name, Bob-chicken, dan Walgrey menyukai ini
Portland, OR, USAAprilSR4 years ago

@VichinoDDA 2D SMAS isn't... on... a separate page... though? https://speedrun.com/smas just has multi-game runs?

Portland, OR, USAAprilSR4 years ago

if you can manipulate it by changing the file type you could simply change the file type back when done, no?

Portland, OR, USAAprilSR4 years ago

calculators would need to be complicated enough that you'd need to look at the code to develop them before it's even questionable whether they're allowed. eye triangulation definitely is legal.

benang: The Site
Portland, OR, USAAprilSR4 years ago

Please set these games to "server/map:" https://www.speedrun.com/gameteam_parkur https://www.speedrun.com/gommehd.net https://www.speedrun.com/hivemc_dropper https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft https://www.speedrun.com/manacube https://www.speedrun.com/mysterious_caves https://www.speedrun.com/seven_short_zones https://www.speedrun.com/nethergames https://www.speedrun.com/restaurant_sim_head_chef https://www.speedrun.com/grid_runners https://www.speedrun.com/the_traveling_trader https://www.speedrun.com/simple-towers-ii https://www.speedrun.com/minecon_live_rush_race https://www.speedrun.com/colossal_climb https://www.speedrun.com/10_squared_series https://www.speedrun.com/eventmc https://www.speedrun.com/idkwmtm https://www.speedrun.com/glitch_runner_endless_parkour https://www.speedrun.com/epsilon_parkour https://www.speedrun.com/in_a_matter_of_seconds https://www.speedrun.com/mcwipeout https://www.speedrun.com/races_of_the_world https://www.speedrun.com/fidnseed https://www.speedrun.com/3d_minesweeper_in_minecraft https://www.speedrun.com/mineverse

There are a few of these I don't moderate that were added a very long time ago. I think the standard is to want a request from the actual mods of the game, but I'm a series mod and... well... they are, in fact, servers or maps whether it's me or a moderator of the particular game stating as such.

The Minecraft series being this active makes it seem kind of silly to have to work through a forum post to get the games listed accurately. Making a forum post every single time a map is added seems tedious and unnecessary so I'll probably continue chunking them. I don't know why exactly game mods aren't given the authority to change those settings or whether it's even possible to give that permission to Minecraft series mods in particular. If possible, though, that seems worth consideration.

Portland, OR, USAAprilSR4 years ago

if you record a run let me know (send a dm I don't check the forums all that often) and I'll add a page for it

WashYourSocks menyukai ini
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