benang: Mario & Luigi: Dream Team
I Liked, and I Running this Category one day too Snodeca, I Love Long Category
benang: Mario & Luigi: Dream Team
Have a Invencibile Glitch, Flag of the Power Glitch.
There could be more ILs, like the ones in the Story Mode missions, the Minigames and also the Chomper Pizza.
benang: Super Diagonal Mario World 2
Mas a Versão do Moo_Moony é a Versão Americana
There could be 3 new categories, like All Chests, True Ending, and 100%, what do you think?
benang: Super Diagonal Mario World 2
It could have how to Submit a Run in the American Version.
benang: Um Jammer Lammy
Could it be ILs of Stages, with Categories Co-op too and Cool%, what do you think?
I would have more help when it comes to getting the shine and protecting it or when it comes to recovering it
There could be a Co-op Category from that Category, I think it's a Good Idea, what do you think?
Menampilkan 181 hingga 191 dari 191
Tentang AntBlueR
PFP art made by @/Azmstea (Instagram) - @/azm_stea (TikTok).
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