There is a Mobile version of Transport tycoon that is a port of Locomotive, it’s for iOS and Android. I think that adding the iOS and Android versions of this game can help mobile runners since there’s currently no way to summit runs to the mobile version of this game on Speedrun.con unfortunately. It’s a shame too as some scenarios can be beaten fairly quickly (especially The 1955 America scenario). I wish that you add this version of the game to the leader broads
I have notice a issue when trying to change profile settings or viewing a stats of a speedrun and when that happens, all the buttons text disappears, you can’t change your profile picture in the profile settings and the most important thing about the stats of a speedrun is missing. Can anyone explain this? Update: the leaderbroad text disappears after leaving a speedrun making this the worst bug in Speedrun.coms history. Another Update: It seems to work fine when logged out, but it doesn’t when logged in.
I would like to become mod here because of my speed running experience on AoC2 and knowledge of the game itself. I currently hold two World Records on AoC2 and I feel I could help the speed running community here, I will follow the rules and not break them and will review runs as normal and reject any fake runs or runs that break the rules. I would be a great mod on this game because I have a great amount of knowledge on the game and my speed running experience here.
I’m not sure if this should be here, especially since TheoTown is a city builder but I’m including some category’s like The people runs (90, 200, 500, and 1,000 Etc) and some others, but I’m not sure if it should be here.