EnglandAimTech3 years ago

adding irrelevant catergorys where there wont really be any runners isnt a smart idea sorry :)

EnglandAimTech3 years ago

when we need somone will get somone who is very active.

GamerTY108 dan CrazyStill menyukai ini
EnglandAimTech3 years ago

vardos is a planet not a mission? do you mean the storm? if so the onlt real way would be with door clips during the time you have to wait while doors are opening.

EnglandAimTech3 years ago

the only real way i could think of would be to install livesplit on your phone

EnglandAimTech4 years ago

There is the potential for the category but we would want to have a submitted run first. If you wish to run this do a run of it and send me a link on discord (@AimTech) and i will add it. Just dont want random empty category around :D

InprisonedShadow menyukai ini
EnglandAimTech5 years ago

the game will have atleast me running again once the load remover is created which im working on

EnglandAimTech6 years ago

i dont this glitching though anything in this game will be possible based on the high ploy count. of door ects and how the developers probably tested the blue barriers extensively as their only purpose is to stop players

EnglandAimTech6 years ago

it takes about 30 seconds to add a category and add time without loads. appointing new mods would be better to do now before the game gets overloaded. Also this game is a speedrun finding glitches to speed alot of the game will most likely be impossible based on the type of game and layout of it.

EnglandAimTech6 years ago

i have an i76700k gtx 1070 and 16gb of ram, its to do with your hardrive, mine isnt a ssd so its slow but some people have a really fast load which is because of the game being installed on the ssd, i only have windows on my ssd and cant fir battlefront 2 on it thats why i get a slower time on that level.

EnglandAimTech6 years ago

this would be an interesting category i cant imagine it being run to the same extent as any% but i would however like to see it added to mix things up every once in a while.

EnglandAimTech6 years ago

it is a loading zone, after doing some research i found that shooting the door and running into it make no difference, when comparing it to other levels most do have some loading half way through to join segments i believe that is the job of this door.

EnglandAimTech6 years ago

Unfortunately not that is why I’m asking the moderators to change the category to time without loads to make it more fair

EnglandAimTech6 years ago

When testing for strategies and skips in the game I did some research into cut scene skips and I found that the cutscenes are covering loads. You can only skip the cutscene once the load has completed so should we have the run times offially without loads to make it more fair to all runners. To do this just removed the time off all. It cutscenes that the player can skip manually in an editing software after to cut out the cut scenes or don’t skip any cutscenes work out the time all the cutscenes added are player for and minus that from the final time. Any suggestions ?

Would love to see this implemented soon

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