I'm sure it's fine, I'm not against it, Just make sure you state that you have used an emulator please.
Good luck with runs.
Not entirely sure sorry Leo, I don't use GCN I use a PC. Your best bet might be using an elgato.
Hi GriffinQK,
Time Starts when you select the map "Mystical Jungle" Time ends when you "Click to continue" after the cut scene.
We use Real Time Attack, which means the timer runs the whole time until you "Click to Continue" after the cut scene. We use a program called LiveSplit which can tell us how much time we spent on a level and can help tell you where you need to improve. You can also use it without splits and just as a timer.
Again, sorry for late reply.
These two links are the one's I used, One is the game (which I assume you have) and the second is the music and videos.
Game - http://theisozone.com/downloads/pc/windows-games/tmnt-2007-pc/ Music + Video Addon - http://www.theisozone.com/downloads/pc/addons-mods/tmnt-2007-pc-musicvideo-add-on/
This is where I got mine from http://theisozone.com/downloads/pc/windows-games/tmnt-2007-pc/ It works fine for me..... sorry for the late reply no internet lately
Could I please get a name change to - Absent
Please and thank you