Ah ya! I just read the board wrong, my bad! Thought good ending was the only one labeled as any%, I'll change my original post :)
Hey, I would like a new category for the drowsy ending! I managed to get the credits screen in under 7mins and the time can be improved, I messed up a few parts lol
Since there isnt a category for this atm please just change the run I am submitting to the new one when it is up! <3
Planning on running the other categories, but I want to 100% the game first! Just got this game the other day and loving it :D
Here is my run under 7m for reference :)
@Daravae As I explained in my previous message, I have been unable to get a response from the current super mod in over a year. He has left the speedrun discord, and we haven't been able to get a response from him on any platform despite him logging into Speedrun within the last month. Requests for rules for the existing any% category have gone unanswered (there are no rules currently) and requests for "All Stages" and other categories have also been ignored.
Greetings, I would like to request Super Mod for Galaxy 5000. I have not been able to get in contact with the current Super Mod and they have left the Galaxy 5000 speedrun discord. The requests of adding an "all levels category" and a link to the speedrun discord on the SRC page have been neglected for over a year, and I've have in the past had to wait months for runs to get verified in the past before I lost contact with them. This caused a lot of the game's initial hype I was bringing to die down.
I am planning on returning to running this game and would like to speed up the process to try to get this community going by inviting some of my runner friends to join me on the boards, but I want to give them a place where the boards can grow. I am not asking to replace the current Super Mod, they seem like a pretty chill person when they are around, but I would like to clean up the SRC page and set up some guides for new runners. I mod a few other games and would like give this game a kick start and see if we can make it more popular on the boards with some new categories and style! đ
Thanks for the time you put into helping all the communities on the site! Cheers đ
You can make copy of your save file. File location varies depending if you are playing on gog or steam.
For Steam: C:\Users<name>\AppData\LocalLow\Contingent99\Wizard of Legend<steamID>\GameData.gd
For GoG: C:\Users<name>\AppData\LocalLow\Contingent99\Wizard of Legend\GameData.gd
But yes for switch not sure if it would be possible to make a restore of your save file. Do not own a switch so can't test.
Can we have an any% category from a new file? Seems all the categories at the moment are new game plus. ?
Hey! I mod the for the Lost Kingdoms community, and was wondering if there was a way to set the priority of what shows up on the Leaderboards.
Since we use "time without loads" the leaders boards get really messed up on mobile.
Right now the priority is... Time Without Loads -> In-Game Time -> Real Time
What I want the priority to be is... Time Without Loads -> Real Time -> In-Game Time
Another interesting note is due to the current settings, the WRbot on Twitter also does not seem to recognize the WR, due to IGT being a lower time than the time without loads.
Any advice/answers would be greatly appreciated!
Hello, I would like to take over as moderator for Lost Kingdoms II or Lost Kingdoms as a series. The current Mod/SuperMod of the game and series has been AFK from all his public platforms for years, and left the categories a mess making it impossible to submit the correct runs for the game. I do any% runs for every game/version in the series and would love to see this community thrive.
Ever version of the game has differences that make the routes for Any% VERY different and needs to be changed on the site to submit all the runs properly. You can read more about it in my post here: http://www.speedrun.com/lk2/thread/3bore
I have talked to a few runners that stopped submitting runs because of the neglect of the game on this site. We have a new Discord community growing steady and I would like to take over as mod for this game to correct all the errors and get the runs everyone from the discord has submitted verified on the site!
Thanks for the time you put into helping all the communities on the site! Cheers :)
After doing some research this is the list of notable differences between versions of LK2.
[USA|NTSC] ¤LizardMan can hit 2 times ¤MechaPult can hit 3 times ¤Mechapult attacks faster ¤Ruldo Forest Cutscene can be walked around ¤Upper Chambers Rewards can be skipped by aborting ¤Lower Chambers Rewards can be skipped by aborting or fainting ¤Out of Bounds near water and walk around freely.
[EUR|PAL50] ¤LizardMan can hit 1 time ¤MechaPult can hit 2 times ¤Rudlo Forest Cutscene can be walked around ¤Lower Chambers Rewards can be skipped by fainting ¤Out of Bounds near water but stuck in water sections ¤In-game timer runs 16.6% slower than all other versions! (does not seem effect gameplay)
[EUR|PAL60] ¤LizardMan can hit 1 time ¤MechaPult can hit 2 times ¤Ruldo Forest Cutscene can be walked around ¤Lower Chambers Rewards can be skipped by fainting ¤Out of Bounds near water but stuck in water sections
[JAP|NTSC] ¤LizardMan can hit 1 time ¤MechaPult can hit 2 times ¤Lower Chambers Rewards can be skipped by fainting ¤Out of Bounds near water but stuck in water sections ¤Can use L and R to change regions ¤Shows card rewards after mission complete and picking cards (can not skip) ¤Leaving or restarting a level costs money ¤Different monsters on certain maps ¤Ruldo Forest different map layout ¤Holzogh different map layout ¤Plains of Rowhal different chests ¤Kendari soliders use different cards ¤Alanjah Castle different map (soliders fainted) ¤Different npc to unlock Whyt ¤Leod fights differently ¤Some cards have different costs
I'm sure there are more, but this is the list I got so far. Many Credits to bulbipop for a lot of this!
With all this being said, I feel the game needs a category per version due to how different each one is. If we do region based it should also be noted to change to real time instead of in-game time since there is major in-game time saves for pal50 for no noticeable changes in gameplay...
please share your thoughts and opinions :)
NOTE: still looking into differences between load times for emulators vs discs
Using https on both. When logging in got the "Welcome back, 7thArmstrong" message, then still have the "login" on the top right and not be able to use account features. Deleting cookies for the website did help! Everything seems to be working as normal again!
Thanks for the help!
Hey! It seems like I can not log onto the site when using firefox, but I can when using Chrome. Any ideas for me to be able to log on to the site with firefox again?