Switch NSO is best bet outside emulator/compatible consoles. you can buy EU console and get NA account with it and buy.
I've done same way with my JP console and works perfectly.
I've seen fuso (fuso-wasedr09 on src) has run glitchless in various events so it makes me think that's good to have another category other than any%.
I have glitchless record too if "there isn't runner to create new category".
I'm suspicious people see that thread but above invite links are already expired. you can generate unexpireble link if you need.
Can mod time this? I'm not sure what my time is. Because of capture limitation, I had to capture 29.97 interlaced but I encoded as 59.97 progressive. I used console for this run.
Halodude generously gave me his console video. So I tested 50 doors again with different setting, which involves bios.Interestingly, emu's accuracy is greatly improved. But I don't mean to encourage to run emu or claim to change rulesets. (Actually, I prefer console than emu)
you know this game shows millisecond in result screen but IL lacks that. This should be fixed imo.
And as we talked about rules in other place yesterday, I'm totally fine with changing current rule and remove my pause strat records.
oh ty for the fix :) my run is on n64. VC is less laggier noticeably in vs screen. (see geoff's run for instance, you'll be able to tell he used vc)
This game has wii vc too. Probably some people use N64 because only wii u vc is available. Actually, vc has shorter loadings and less lags compare to console.
I hope mod will fix that soon.
I just know wii vc (not wii u but I guess it's same) has input lag but it's consistent unlike emulator. I've done 100 super jump run on VC while ago even if I'm familiar with SNES. In case you're asking glitches too, all of them work on any versions/platforms.