Any% in 3h 09m 28s by
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Solo/Co-Op (Any%)
In-Game Time
3h 09m 28s
4h 15m 48s

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# | Nama | Bagian | Selesai pada |
1 | Crash Landing Emas | 10m 33s 374ms | 10m 33s 374ms |
2 | Rowing Buddies Emas | 10m 04s 761ms | 20m 38s 135ms |
3 | Welcome to the Jungle Emas | 6m 39s 153ms | 27m 17s 288ms |
4 | Jungle Traps Emas | 6m 45s 792ms | 34m 03s 080ms |
5 | A Snipe Snared Emas | 11m 36s 352ms | 45m 39s 432ms |
6 | Tally Ho! Emas | 6m 10s 899ms | 51m 50s 331ms |
7 | Ambush Emas | 4m 41s 158ms | 56m 31s 489ms |
8 | House Bound Emas | 4m 15s 673ms | 1h 00m 47s 162ms |
9 | The Voice Emas | 15m 45s 171ms | 1h 16m 32s 333ms |
10 | A New Master Emas | 12m 42s 365ms | 1h 29m 14s 698ms |
11 | Where the Water Falls Twice Emas | 12m 25s 255ms | 1h 41m 39s 953ms |
12 | River Rafting Emas | 11m 40s 883ms | 1h 53m 20s 836ms |
13 | Never, Never, Never! Emas | 4m 32s 736ms | 1h 57m 53s 572ms |
14 | Up-Lift Emas | 6m 48s 652ms | 2h 04m 42s 224ms |
15 | The Way Through the Wind Emas | 30m 01s 903ms | 2h 34m 44s 127ms |
16 | Reunion Emas | 9m 03s 520ms | 2h 43m 47s 647ms |
17 | Fetch! Emas | 9m 04s 961ms | 2h 52m 52s 608ms |
18 | River Pursuit Emas | 13m 01s 795ms | 3h 05m 54s 403ms |
19 | Fetch Part 2 Emas | 6m 31s 878ms | 3h 12m 26s 281ms |
20 | The Spirit of Adventure Emas | 7m 02s 174ms | 3h 19m 28s 455ms |
21 | Dogs Fight Better than People Emas | 5m 57s 675ms | 3h 25m 26s 130ms |
22 | Hunting Down the SoA Emas | 15m 04s 139ms | 3h 40m 30s 269ms |
23 | Release Russell Emas | 8m 00s 010ms | 3h 48m 30s 279ms |
24 | Operation Free Bird Emas | 8m 29s 316ms | 3h 56m 59s 595ms |
25 | Adventure is Here Emas | 10m 57s 458ms | 4h 07m 57s 053ms |
26 | The Muntz Bunch Emas | 4m 01s 326ms | 4h 11m 58s 379ms |
27 | Skies Over Paradise (Final) Emas | 3m 50s 250ms | 4h 15m 48s 629ms |