Need help speedrunning 7-4
9 months ago
Sicily, Italy

Hi, as many of you know surely know, it is not possible to insta-lobotomize benjamin because of the latest patch :(

I wanted to ask, what could be the fastest way to kill benjamin?

United States

There is no such thing as "Benjamin" in the game.

However, if you want to kill the Earthmover present in 7-4 as fast as possible, consider a saw trap on the brain, leading into a railcoin (maybe even a railcoin punch) followed by a parry and may a few projectile boosts if it still has health left.

debatable, Pear dan 4 lainnya menyukai ini

Benjamin = Earthmover darknova

United States

Its pretty clear nova knows they were talking about the earthmover.

The "redditor terms" suck. They are misleading at best and offensive at worst. Please stop calling them that.

3quwu, debatable dan 7 lainnya menyukai ini

the fastest way curret patch I know off.

Ultraboost up to the checkpoint where the centry spawns, checkpoint and rocket ride backwards around the earthmover, snipe the electricity box on the crane with the rail cannon to open up the secret path inside. Once inside, go break the two idols on the highest wide platform, and as soon as you break the seccond idol restart from checkpoint. go outside and find a pit to fall in (i only really use the pit at the very botom of the earthmovers feet, but there might be one elsewhere on it thats faster to ub too) after falling the game will place you, not at the checkpoint, but back in the idol room, and after breaking the idols and leaving out the top, the earthmovers head is unloaded, so rocket ride/ub to the brain and it will start lobotomizing itself once more, then its just getting to the end to stop the timer.

WhoEvenKnows dan cutiaddu menyukai ini
Sicily, Italy

I had no idea that this bug existed, thanks bro

Sicily, Italy

Nvm I did it

Diedit oleh penulis 9 months ago
Sicily, Italy

The bug works but it's VERY inconsistent

Statistik Game
7 months ago
Berita Terbaru
Speedrun Competition and Updated Base Game Rules

If you have not seen ULTRAKILL is finally having a speedrunner competition for real money!!! It starts in about four hours from the time I am making this news post, in fact its probably already started when you are reading this so click the challenges widget on the right and read up on the rules and

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