Is there a category for Glitchless Levels?
7 months ago

Title says it all but Ill go a bit more into detail.

Currently we have for Levels Any%, P-Rank and No-Mo, the latter standing for "No Mobs" for those who may not know like I did at the start.

But Any% has a lot of runs basically using glitches to reach the end. While not a problem on its own, its impressive to say the least, I find it hard to want to even attempt to compete there as I generally dont like using glitches to my advantage unless its a game mechanic working in combination with another.

United States

The difference between what is a "glitch" and what isn't for this game is extremely vague. Many things that someone might consider a glitch are entirely intended. Take pipe clip in the first level for example sure it was an oversight when the game got its first demo but now its an intentional hole with a funny dev message to go along with it. There are LOADS of things like that in this game that I could go on about it for ages.

Point being there will never be a "glitchless" option for this game. I can grantee most anything you might consider a glitch is either intended or already patched. Eventually I want to have the option to denote ILs with inbounds or weaponless but I have been busy and haven't been able to finish the other stuff I wanted to go along with it.


Diedit oleh penulis 7 months ago
DarkNova28, EchoIrl, dan Julianel menyukai ini

Very fair point and thank you for explaining!

Yes a section of inbound and out of bounds would b amazing. Having lots of fun doing inbound runs personally as I have to adhere entirely to what the level says Im allowed to do. Going out of bounds, while it requires tons of skill, feels wrong to me lol

Respect to anyone capable of pulling it off, like I seen the vids. That stuff is CRAZY.

Statistik Game
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