get ready for a million videos
zangoose raw footage: duo run starts at 30:36 and ends at 35:17 zangoose did not do trios squad run starts at 1:33:03 and ends at 1:35:13
zangoose duo trimmed video:
zangoose squad trimmed video:
aons raw footage: aon did not do duos trio run starts at 5:35 and ends at 7:51 squad run starts at 54:03 and ends at 56:02
aons trios trimmed run:
aons squad trimmed run:
esas raw footage: eas did not do duo trio run stars before 40 minutes squad run starts at around 1 hour and 30 minutes
are you even gonna watch all these videos or even read this line
esas trimmed runs for trios and squads:
thunder did not record
4:39.4 duo 2:10.3 trio 1:52.8 squad
8.42.5 total
mod note: can you remove the furry fetish pictures off of your video pls
A runner by the name of @Serpent1n created a speedrun mod for TWP
^ adds a timer for levels, and more quality of life changes for speedrunning in general