hey guys welcome to speedycube456 todau were gonna be doing top 10 reasons why movie is better then bfbb number 10 you can drive an sandwitch number 9 patirck is fast and not slow especialy when you cart wheel by holding b number 8 sandy isnt in the game (shes slow and stupid no one likes her) number 7 you can lose 5000 times at soinc wave gitar challenge number 6 because sponge bob and patrick are like gen z and planktopilis is like ameraca number 5 the one frame bash thingy is actually free number 4 the floating block challanges are really fun except the scda one that one sucks number 3 their is no robo sandy and patrick (those are slow boss fights) number 2 patrick can swing with his tounge which is pretty funny number 1 it has really good musics like no cheaze and neptune and bbbh and best off all sandwitch driving 101
bye the way if shift really hates movie than why is he a mod for movie thats kinda of sus (lol among us reference) guys i think he secretley likes movie do you agree