Is this already known?
1 year ago
United States

I was fighting a talus and it launched me pretty far I would say. if the wall wasn't there I would say I would have gotten a fair amount of speed and height. here is a link to a tweet with the file attached:

edit: I tried to reproduce it and I got it to work only one more time before i ran out of two handed weapons. what i did was i had link finish a spin attack so that the animation of the claymore hitting the rock happens the same time that the talus throws me off. i will try this again later to see if it is consistent.

more things I found, was that if you do a jump slash it will either keep you on the talus or launch you off normally without taking damage.

also, i was playing on version 1.1.2

Diedit oleh penulis 1 year ago
United States

okay I have done some more testing with the glitch and if you are early then you cant pull out the paraglider because link takes damage from the talus. but if you do it and don't receive any damage and link is in his falling animation then it gives you height and speed kinda like a wind bomb in BOTW.

and most important, you must be holding target for it to work, I don't know why but every time I haven't been holding target it worked.

here is how to control the way link flies (this is only from my experience it might not be consistent) for more height, have link slam the two handed weapon when the talus shakes, to get more speed have link hit the talus rock or kill the talus when it shakes without slamming.

link will take damage if you dont hit the rock when the talus shakes you off

gaining height with this is harder than gaining speed

Diedit oleh penulis 1 year ago
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