Other sources for Individual Track times (to compare with Level Leaderboard, IL)
5 years ago

I found this through Google Search, not sure how accurate or real it is, but I would say the times can be trusted. Some runs have image proof, some don't. https://www.video-games-records.com/trackmania-jeu-j2542.html

I recommend these videos by 7Alvin too, might be useful for strats (former WRs, some might be still world records): https://www.youtube.com/user/Alvinmkch/search?query=TrackMania+Wii

Similar videos by Marco: https://www.youtube.com/user/8641Marco/search?query=trackmania+wii

Important: I wish we knew the times from the ingame online leaderboards that are now lost, because the Nintendo WFC servers shut down. I'm pretty sure nobody backed it up. Tough luck I guess, would've been another useful way to compare with our times. Some proofs are still left, but those could also not be the very best times. So take every WR with a grain of salt, because there could've been a better on the now lost online leaderboards.

If you find any other videos, leaderboards, videos and screenshots including online leaderboards, feel free to add it here! Thanks!

Diedit oleh penulis 4 years ago

There is also this site: https://cyberscore.me.uk/game/860 It's a shame they didn't need any proof for these records, and the ones that have proof only have screenshots. That was part of the reason we decided to put up the leaderboard here, so we can have one that requires video of the runs.

Diedit oleh penulis 2 years ago
DdariQ menyukai ini

I hope we manage to beat all times on these external sites and then speedrun.com becomes the true WR leaderboard for this game :D Let's go lol

Diedit oleh penulis 5 years ago

Well it looks like riolu has beaten the old record on those sites for Snow A2


StadiumA4, 14.96: (best known time according to the online leaderboard at the end is 14.92)

Edit: These StadiumA4 times are now beaten!

IslandD5, 36.50: (best know time according to the online leaderboard at the end is 35.68)

Diedit oleh penulis 4 years ago

StadiumD5, 34.81:

Virginia, USA

Hi! I'm the guy who had 14.92 in the Stadium A4 video. I'm looking to start recording some of my times soon. Here's a channel of a guy who had a bunch of former WRs back in the earlier days of the game. https://www.youtube.com/user/Alvinmkch/search?query=trackmania+wii


Video showing records of Island A2 and A3


According to that video the records on the online leaderboards were:

IslandA2: 19.59 islandA3: 18.04

These are still the best times for these tracks at the time of writing this.

I'm assuming other tracks also have much faster record times that we don't know of anymore, logic based from these two records. Pretty sad nobody backed up the online records :(

Diedit oleh penulis 4 years ago