IGT Auto Splitter for TrackMania² Valley
2 years ago

TrackMania² Valley is now timed with in-game time. The auto splitter script by Malakat is activated inside LiveSplit and will automatically start and split the timer. Download LiveSplit from the official website: https://livesplit.org/downloads/

Split-files and layouts to use with the splitter can be downloaded here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Yg2d4YEI0ZG5XQ3XABA9JWPawopB3TuE

Make sure to set the comparison for the timer and splitter to "Game Time". This can either be done when editing the layout, or by right clicking the livesplit window -> Compare Against -> Game Time.

I would highly suggest setting the accuracy of the split times to hundredths. Adding a new column or changing an existing column to "Segment Time" is also highly suggested, as this will display your time for each track.

After each completed speedrun, a log file with your total in-game time is saved inside your Livesplit folder: LiveSplit\TrackmaniaTimes\TrackMania² Valley Copy the text from this file and paste it your submission in the description box of your submission. Use pastebin.com if your log file has too many characters for the description box.

Diedit oleh penulis 1 year ago
Bretagne, France

I'm on Linux, i can't add an autosplitter on Livesplit because it is passthrough on Wine, and it's sucks, so i use llanfair, the closest thing to livesplit on linux, how do i sub a run without the autosplitter ?

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