Autosplitter not working?
1 year ago
South Australia, Australia

I'm trying to set up the autosplitter but I can't seem to get it working. If I select the game, the option for autosplits is grayed out and says that there are no autoplits available for the game.

I downloaded the autosplitter from GitHub and added it in the Layout Editor as a Scriptable Auto Splitter, but still doesn't seem to work.

Any ideas?

United States
Super moderatorAdventium_
She/Her, They/Them
1 year ago

Thanks for letting me know, I'll look into it in a bit

United States
Super moderatorAdventium_
She/Her, They/Them
1 year ago

The autosplitter is working on my end, even through the auto-download, so I'm not sure why it isn't working for you.

What platform are you on? When you try to add the autosplitter manually, do the options load? (that would tell me if the autosplitter is actually loading or not)

South Australia, Australia

I'm on PC. Screenshots attached. I've tried adding them manually but still doesn't seem to work.

Tried running LiveSplit as admin as well just in case that helped.

United States
Super moderatorAdventium_
She/Her, They/Them
1 year ago

When I asked for your platform, I actually was looking for Steam/EGS/MS Store. Probably could've been more clear about that sorry.

I have absolutely no idea why it says there is no autosplitter available. It's still in the autosplitters xml (the xml that tells LiveSplit what autosplitters are available), so this is almost certainly nothing I have any control over.

When you add it manually it is at least loading, but I'm not sure why it wouldn't do anything, unless it's not finding the game. Does the autosplitter have any behavior at all? If you start the timer manually, does it split on area/level, and does it reset if you back out?

If you are willing to download DebugView, open it and filter by "[TE:C Autosplitter]" to see just the autosplitter's output, and send me what it prints. Open DebugView before the game to make sure it captures the initialization output too.

Sorry for the barrage of questions, I'm trying to get as much info as I can to figure out what's going on without being able to test things directly. Hopefully I can get it working for you.

South Australia, Australia
[17136] [TE:C Autosplitter] Game launch detected, initializing... 
[17136] [TE:C Autosplitter] Found base offset 4E7A370 
[17136] [TE:C Autosplitter] Initialization complete. 

It seems to be detecting it, but it's like it's not detecting the level number?

I also noticed this...

[10764] LiveSplit.exe Error: 0 : 
[10764] Exception thrown: 'System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception' in 'update' method:
[10764] The handle is invalid
[10764]    at ASL line 50 in 'update'
[10764]    at LiveSplit.ASL.ASLMethod.Call(LiveSplitState timer, ExpandoObject vars, String& version, Double& refreshRate, Object settings, ExpandoObject old, ExpandoObject current, Process game) 
[10764]    at LiveSplit.ASL.ASLScript.RunMethod(ASLMethod method, LiveSplitState state, String& version) 
[10764]    at LiveSplit.ASL.ASLScript.DoUpdate(LiveSplitState state) 
[10764]    at LiveSplit.UI.Components.ASLComponent.UpdateScript() 

For some reason it doesn't allow me to manually split either. If I press the key to manually split, it flashes for 1 frame then resets back to 0.00, which I'm guessing is the auto-splitter telling it to reset the timer back to 0.00 if the level = 0?

United States
Super moderatorAdventium_
She/Her, They/Them
1 year ago

The timer resets when the pointer path to the object that we grab the needed values from doesn't resolve, which indicates that the game is not loaded into a level.

The error is happening on the line where we update all the values. The error being thrown is defined by Windows, so it's difficult for me to figure out what's actually happening here. Gonna be asking one of my friends who might know this stuff better than me about it.

Thanks for the info, it was very helpful.

United States
Super moderatorAdventium_
She/Her, They/Them
1 year ago

After a bit of looking around, I still have no idea what's causing this to happen but I can definitely say there's nothing I can do about it, since this isn't something related to my code. I'm not really sure where you ask for help on this unfortunately.

I hope you get your problem worked out somehow. In the meantime, you can still run without the autosplitter. I'm sorry I can't be of more help to you.

South Australia, Australia

That's okay. I really appreciate you looking into this for me. I'll keep having a play around with it and if I happen to find a solution then I'll let you know. Cheers.

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