Devil Within speedruns on Emulator
2 years ago

Hey all! Hope you are doing well. I've been playing Devil Within the last couple weeks and had a blast with it. There is a lot of potential in this mode as a speedgame I feel so I would like to compete on a speedrun leaderboard in some way. However I am playing on Emulator, whis is banned as of now. I understand the risk which comes with allowing Emulators, especially with the main game. Nevertheless working original PS2 hardware along with some ways to record it is hard to come by. I would like to request some sort of leaderboard change where people can reasonably compete in Devil Within with the use of emulators. It could lay the foundation of more accessability, which could then lead to more discoveries and more runs. This might not happen immediately, but it would allow people to compete in the first place.

Needless if changes are made or not, I would like to share my runs here! I made one for each difficulty. Easy: 58:02 Link: Medium: 58:07 Link: Hard: 1:03:07 Link: Very Hard: 1:07:21 Link:

I plan on making more runs in the future. I would share them in this thread if the leaderboard doesn't allow them. If anyone wants to compete feel free to share in this thread aswell :D

Kind regards, Davdus

Diedit oleh penulis 2 years ago

I am 7 months late, but your speedrun has been allowed on a non-emulator leaderboard which has me very worried about the moderation that goes through.

I could easily rerun this game much faster on Emulator and I wouldn't care if there was a separate board for it. The runs that I did on my Physical PS2 were many in order to get the time down to 58 minutes and its unfair.


I think you should send a message to the mods on discord, informing them about your submitted run. They're quite active in there, unlike this board.


His runs got accepted already, the problem is that they are on the categories meant for console runs.

If I hook up my pcsx2 today I can probably go sub 55 as I already beat the WR in another game yesterday.


Yeah I saw that and it is confusing because when you submit a run, you can read that emulators are banned. However, If they accepted his runs on emulator, I don't see why they wouldn't accept your future runs on emulator as well. Actually they should allow emulation on PCSX 2 . Nowadays it runs Tekken perfectly. But again, I see your point. It's a bit weird to make exceptions without changing the rules or even updating some of them, especially when it's clear that they're not allowing emulators in the first place .

Diedit oleh penulis 1 year ago
bosscatFGC dan Stefen menyukai ini
Los Angeles, CA, USA

So are emulators allowed then? I have a 1CC Heihachi Time Attack run using RetroArch - PCSX2 that I'd like to submit if the rules are changed @Hell1striker. Thank you for your time and consideration!


Hello there @BOSSCAT. That post is old lol. I wrote that before becoming a mod on this forum. And as you can see, it's a ghost town.

Well, yeah sure you can submit your run using an emulator. This thread is already a run of a speedrunner who used Pcsx2 and got accepted. So, I don't see why you can't. I've changed that rule. Pcsx-2 runs 99% of the games perfectly, even better than the original console. Though, I'd recommend using PCSX 2 nightly build since it's the most accurate version of Ps2 emulation. But if you can run the game smoothly at 60 fps without problems using RetroArch core, then sure thing, you can also use that. Just a recommendation. Good luck .

Diedit oleh penulis 11 months ago
Los Angeles, CA, USA

Hi @Hell1striker! Gotcha. I will submit my run ASAP. Thank you so much!! Appreciate you.

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