New timing method
7 years ago

Since the 1.6.0 patch, after you complete a level the end screen shows your time which will be the new way to time individual levels. (hopefully this might attract more runners as you no longer need to worry about timing your run perfectly yourself :) )

The end doesn't show milliseconds so all the runs that were posted before this patch will have the milliseconds removed.

Tutorial timing stays the same as there is no end screen.

Diedit oleh penulis 7 years ago
ObsElite menyukai ini

In the tutorial could you not just take the last visible time?

losi menyukai ini

I could, I asked about it in the discord and most of the people (if not all) wanted to keep the real time instead of the in-game one so I just went with that if its a big deal tho I can make a poll for it

ObsElite menyukai ini

Yeah i don't really mind anyways, its honestly probably better to use real time since its such a short time period.

losi menyukai ini
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