What is the fastest method of attack?
6 years ago

When you encounter and enemy you have to kill such as the straw man at the start (if you call that an ememy) what is the fastest way to get all three (or two if you use one fire ball) of the sword swipes in. Do you just spam the attack button or is there a way to tine each strike for a faster result?

Barcelona, Catalonia

First thing to mention is that after dealing damage to an enemy, you gain a small window of collision invulnerability, so usually the most recommended thing to do is sword attack+walking through the enemy. The only enemies in the game that cannot be walked through are the two dummies in the level 1-1. For the straw one, use fireball in the air followed by a sword attack when in range, jump and another sword attack in the air. Attacks in the ground make you stop walking for a short ammount of time, so better attack in the air when possible. For the iron dummy, you can only use fireballs.

Anyway sometimes you may want to kill an enemy, as the collision trick only worcks with the body (so attacks as the green balls, hammers, swords, explosive balls and all other things that are not on the enemy body still damage you). To kill those enemies, you need to have into account that attacks have inner cooldown between them, but not if you alternate them. Therfore, the best way is:

Enemies with 2hp: sword attack+fireball Enemies with 3hp: SA+FB+SA or if you can throw a FB from longer range, FB+SA+FB Enemies with 4hp: SA+FB+SA+FB or if you can throw a FB from longer range, FB+SA+FB+SA

For bosses: Act 1: as it is flying, you can only damage him with series of SA+FB+SA. You should be able to kill him fast enough to not get into his second attack pattern

Act 2: the best way to kill him is to wait until he jumps and just before it lands in the floor, jump and us SA+FB+SA. When the second attack pattern starts, you should have enough hp to take the snowball attack damage and kill him with SA and your remaining FB (it is worth to recharge FB with the boxes)

Act 3: While he attacks with Tornados, use SA+FB+SA and then double jump to avoid the tornado. Repeat this four times and walk to the left while he goes to the air. Refill your FB and jump to land a SA+FB+SA to him (you'll have to take damage). When he drops down to the ground again, repeat the first combo untill you kill him.

Hope this has been useful for you and if you have more questions, I'll be glad to help you with anything you need :)

JetpackAwaaay, drgrumble, dan Zerepy menyukai ini

This is unbelievablly helpful. You answered all of my questions as well as the pnes I hadn't got round to asking yet. Thanks again and keep up the good work.

JetpackAwaaay dan D.E.M.O. menyukai ini
Barcelona, Catalonia

Np! I've spent countless hours speedrunning this game, so I'm happy to be able to share with someone what I know about this game, spetially if this bring more players to this game

Zerepy menyukai ini
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