JSR's route notes
JSR's route notes
Diperbarui 3 years ago oleh JSR_

Hey! I wanted to share my route I used for my run of this game. Note: I played on the JP version, but not because of the superior music (well, not JUST for that), but because of the blood type. In the Japanese version, you need to enter your name and select a blood type before the game starts. Depending on selected blood type, you'll have different parameters on your character. The available blood types are RH+ A, B, O and AB - at least initially. While selecting the blood type, press Up + A + B on controller 2 and RH will change to RH-, now the whole set of blood types will be different: RH- in addition to the normal A, B, O and AB. RH-'s parameters are higher than RH+. (this was done in Josh's former WR run, so I also did it)

ZAORA (Boss 1)

-switch to SUPER FLIGHT -walk right, switch to SUPERMAN, #### fly to METROPOLIS PARK (1x A) -switch to SUPER BREATH 2, go RIGHT skip all enemies -skip building and booth, enter building -GO DOWN 2 floors, kill all enemies, and get FLIGHT powerup -GO DOWN a floor, kill all enemies, kill ZAORA


-switch to SUPER FLIGHT -walk right, switch to SUPERMAN, walk right and enter SUBWAY #### FLY to SENNEVILLE (0x A) -go left & skip building, ladder, booth, building. Continue left. -skip ladder, get thief past booth. get FLIGHT powerup #### fly to LAFAYETTE (0x A), then immediately OLD CITY (1x A) -land, go right, enter building -refill flight FULL, then exit. TALK TO MAN 2x RIGHT OF EXIT.

	#### fly back to LAFAYETTE (2X A)

-land, go left, enter building -switch to SUPER BREATH I, kill meat wads, get SUPER SPIN powerup. Switch to flight and exit. #### fly to SENNEVILLE (0X A) -go left, enter first building, kill baddies and get X-RAY powerup -re-enter and farm flight refills (P/O LINE) #### fly to TEABORO (2X A) -land, go left, skip building -skip both buildings, go left -skip subway, enter POLICE station, talk to 1st cop -go right to prev. screen enter 1st building and kill enemies -kill DRAGON GANG BOSS

JAY FALK (Boss 3)

-switch to SUPER FLIGHT -walk right, switch to SUPERMAN #### fly to CENTENNIAL PARK (3x A) -land, take ladder -go right, skip enemies and 1st ladder. Take 2nd ladder -go right, take ladder, speak to man. -DIE death abuse, and continue -select FLIGHT, turn to SUPERMAN #### fly to STAUNTON (4X A) -land, go right. take subway -go left, enter building. -kill baddies on 2nd floor for flight powerup, then go down to 3rd floor. -kill super computer by jumping inside and punching it. exit the same way you came. -go right, skip subway, enter building. take elevator -go down 4 floors. Kill baddies on 4 for FLIGHT powerup.
-go down 2 more floors, kill baddies. Kill JAY FALK.


-walk right, switch to SUPERMAN.
#### fly to METROPOLIS PARK (1x A) #### fly again to MCKEESEPORT (0x A) -land, go left, enter teal building. Talk to RIGHT FBI guy -refill flight to the line in-between "P/O" in POWER then #### fly to STAUNTON (4x A) -land, go right, enter building -go down 3 FLOORS, kill blue blob by punching, get BREATH II powerup, then refill flight to the "P/O" line on the floor above the blob. Exit. #### fly to ANDERSONVILLE (2x A) -go right, exit screen. enter building and kill blue blob for HEAT VISION powerup.

	#### fly to SENNEVILLE (0x A)

-land, go left, enter building, refill flight to P/O #### fly to TEABORO (2x A) -land, go right, and kill blob for XRAY powerup. -go back left. skip 2 screens. enter police station (white building) and talk to FBI on right. -DEATH ABUSE exit, go right, enter building and die. -continue, exit, turn to SUPERMAN.
#### Fly to CBD (2x A) -go left, take hole down? (glitch?) OR -skip ladder, go right. take 2nd ladder down. -go right, take ladder down. -go left, take ladder down. -go right. take ladder up. switch to HEAT VISION -take 2 ladders up. kill LEX LUTHOR

ZOD GANG (Boss 5)

-switch to flight -walk right, switch to SUPERMAN #### fly to METROPOLIS PARK (1x A) -land, go left. Switch to SUPER SPIN (HERE, take damage OTW to the blob) -go left, take hole? XRAY to see baddies -take ladder down, kill purple slimers. take ladder down. -go right, skip 2 ladders down, then take ladder UP -go right, take ladder up -go right, kill blob for info. -DEATH ABUSE DIE, exit, turn to SUPERMAN #### fly to SENNEVILLE (9x A) #### land, fly to FREEDOM ISLAND (1x A) -enter building, skip baddies. Go up a floor. -Kill URSA, go up -Kill NON, go up -Kill ZOD, GG.

Statistik Game
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