1.5 - Seeded Fish Tank Bundle - Route by AstroTheLast
1.5 - Seeded Fish Tank Bundle - Route by AstroTheLast
Diperbarui 2 years ago oleh ph1l

Seed: 407112 Settings: 3 MP Huts, Seperate Cat, Forest Farm


Sleep to 12th Chop for chest(3 trees) built chest, put everything away but axe, pickaxe, scythe go to bus stop, get all forage go to beach, get cackle, clam, mussel, oyster go back to town to trigger cutscene (from farm entrance) go to cc check book, throw everything (forage and crab pot stuff to the ground) back to farm, sleep sleep till 21st say no to cat check mail! check left side forage go to travelling cart, buy snail go to wizard, trigger cutscene go back to farm, right side up (take forage) sell every forage put everything beside snail+pickaxe away (and forage missing in cc (prob 1 horseradish) sleep till 26 spring go travelling cart, buy lobster bisque go to farm, sleep


sleep till first rainy day in !FALL! go to town, skip cutscene go to beach, skip cutscene go fish on pier Fish needed:

  • first catch sunfish (lucky, if not next spring)
  • sardine
  • tilapia
  • red snapper (all before 12am if possible) if got: go town bridge, eat lobster bisque fish for:
  • catfish
  • tiger trout
  • shad go to cc turn in spring bundle turn in crap pot, river fish, ocean fish go mountains fish for:
  • carp
  • largemouth bass (can be skipped, buy on 14th winter)
  • bullhead
  • (walleye if lucky) back to cc turn in lake fish go home, sell everything not needed sleep

Winter "Clay Farm"

sleep till 1st winter take only hoe, pickaxe go to beach do "clay" farming from spot: four from below kiesel central repeat do this till ~8:50 go to pierre, skip cutscene sell everything go to farm, take chest from upper house to lower put everything beside pickaxe away

Winter Shopping Spree

sleep till 7th go travelling cart, buy sturgeon back, sleep till 14th go travelling cart, buy eel (buy largemouth bass if not catched in winter) back, sleep till 21 go travelling cart, buy ghostfish, walleye (if not gotten in mountain) back, sleep till 26th go travelling cart, buy tuna, buy pufferfish back, sleep till 28th go travelling cart, buy sandfish, buy bream back, but pickaxe away, take axe and fishing rod sleep till spring 1st fish behind the hut for woodskip go bottom to town, fish for sunfish go to cc, turn everything in, finish run timer stop after flash

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