8 years ago
Florida, USA

Has anyone found a quick way to do the missions? I have gotten as far a the Hytoln Mission and trying to find settlements is a pain.

Florida, USA

I have a theory for making it easier. After messing with mods in causal play, I realized that all new characters are in the same universe but as far as I know, they are still forced to complete all story mode missions namely the research missions. With that in mind, one could just find and write down the coordinates for planets that have colonies of all the races. This works if resetting your universe and all save files is not part of validating a run for this game. Now that I think of it, research into the nature of the objects that have to be scanned may be helpful for if it is just looking for an object and no special conditions attached to it, namely the object being placed by the game and not the player, one can just rig a planet, namely a barren, to have all research items and a teleporter so that way you can just tp back and forth until you have opened the final warp gate. This can be a way to make the 'All mission' category less evil and RNG dependent but it also makes the category trival. I do not know if this was intended for the category but I fear that this can lead to a very short category but also leave open options of other exploits

Utah, USA

you can find hylotl settlements underwater on ocean planets and to do that you would need the breathing EPP so you wont drown. Also when you do that it is best to walk on the seafloor and the getting the spike ball tech makes you fall underwater faster and I think it also doesn't have the effect of going slower in water. But i will test that out more.

Diedit oleh penulis 8 years ago
Florida, USA

My problem with that is that is takes some time to find these outpost let alone the time need to make an EPP. I do not even want to think about finding 8 tech cards. We may want to look into some of the foods and figure out which ones give what buffs because if we can find some that are readily available from start, we could just speed buff our way to the bottom of the ocean and then dig under ground and seal the hole we make for air. This also depends on if the rule get changed or not regarding the possible universe exploits that exists. Thank you though, I was actually unaware that the hyloti were under water as well.

SpeediestMoon1 menyukai ini
Utah, USA

it would be best though to get the epp because you would need it for the cooling epp, heating epp and radiation epp for the avian, apex and glitch (unless you find one of those settlements on a planet with no need for epp). I will try to find a way to get the epp quickly. I also found out that the spike ball when on the ocean floor goes faster than just swimming. I get where you are getting though when you say it's though to find 8 tech cards.

Diedit oleh penulis 8 years ago
Florida, USA

Yeah, I also have found that mechs seem to fall faster in water then just sinking with your characters but this was tested with one of the XS mod mechs though I would expect for it to hand the same way for regular mechs. On the other settlements, I have found them on other planet types but it is not consistent necessarily. Desert planets seem to have the widest variety of settlements. I have found Avian, Floran, Glitch, and Human on them thus far.


I think that there is a little chance that any settlement will spawn on any planet tho that is not a reliable strat to use for finding specifik settlements im not sure if it is farstere to go to the places that Esther points out or if it is faster to look for them on gentle Stars where no epp is needed

Utah, USA

I think the planets that the ether wants you to go to possibly have the biggest chance of that settlement being there. Then again there was one time where I was having very bad luck with finding another apex settlement on the frozen planets (that could have just had bad luck on that). I will see though on if there is a bigger chance of that required settlement to spawn on Esther's requested planet.


It might also be a good idea, to have the teleport flags with you at all times, so if you should into a random settlement, that you are not needing right now, but will need later. Then you can just put down the flag and come back, but in a perfekt run that should never be needed, but how posible is that perfect run ??

Utah, USA

When that happens I bookmark the planet but that is a really good idea to have flags at all times.


I also just thought a bit more about it, if you find a Glitch settlement then you might be able to skip the cooling epp, so that might still be fastere?

SpeediestMoon1 menyukai ini
Maryland, USA

You can also take items as you find them and either place them or put them in chest. I did this on my casual play through. I happen to be streaming so heres a clip of what I mean.

johnboy989898 menyukai ini

yep true that might be even bettere !!! or but it is kinda hard to remember all the items that gives research point and there is also some dialog that give research points so if you just a bit off you can talk to people of the settlement

Utah, USA

If i find a glitch settlement before i go to the fiery stars I do try skip the cooling epp but only really if I find 2 planets with glitch settlements because I almost always need two settlements to complete each quest. I also try to skip heating epp but i never find apex settlements on non frozen planets and I always have enough to make the heating epp.

ZiskaI menyukai ini

but in the best posible run, you would only have to visit 5 or less planets, where you exclude the starting planet. And in that run you would get your research done with only one planet, and I think that run would be posible with nice RNG.

Utah, USA

That would be the best possible run and also if you get a really good weapon and really good luck with the bosses in each mission that would also make it a best possible run (except for the Kluex Avatar where you just need to memorize the attacks). Also getting lucky enough to only need the breathing epp will also make it the best possible run but all that would take a ton of RNG

Diedit oleh penulis 8 years ago
Utah, USA

I have also found that all the bosses have the same attack patterns every time so you just need to memorize the attacks and figure out how to dodge them. Also to do the erchius horror boss quickly you could get some bandages (the minimum amount of bandages I would say would be 8-9 bandages) and walk through the lasers, then use a bandage after walking through the laser. My quickest run so far on the human mission is on my channel and i did it in 12:01

Florida, USA

http://starbounder.org/Dungeons I am still reading through the wiki but it seems like it could help alteast with figuring out what planets to look for and also how the game generates the dungeons and reseach items. I was also thinking if we could find a way to get some early high dps weapons. I know that the daggers have a stun lock mechanics if they have a high RoF but most low level ones suck at damage.

Utah, USA

Machine pistols that I've found on the starter planet do 3 damage and shoot fast. So the machine pistol could be a good early weapon (the machine pistols on the starter planet do 3 damage without armor). Also there's a assault rifle that spawns in the erchius mining facility that has explosive bullets as its special which is a great weapon at the start (when I used it on the floran mission with some armor it did 20 damage each time I used explosive shot) it's unreliable to get though since I have only got it once but its a great weapon if you can get it.

Diedit oleh penulis 8 years ago
Florida, USA

Is it always there because I now that the mine dungeon is not always in the same place and those weapon lockers are random. I know what I have started to do is just mine to the center and gather 20 fragments and then teleport back to the ship and make a made dash towards the portal. Going to the Mine may be faster but I have found that the starter planets can be fairly big and lengthy to travel.

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