RNG elimination on Observatory and Outcasts
6 years ago
Indiana, USA

Outcasts RNG time save can be accomplished by restarting the checkpoint after destroying the last satellite. What I believe happens here, is this gives the game an opportunity to catch up the RESTORATION to next to the star destroyer, as when you don't restart the checkpoint, it is still aways off. So, when it is close, it fires at the shield arrays and hits more times than when it is far off. Also I believe resetting it actually allows you to do damage to the shield arrays (though not much). (Found this out thanks to kpshizzle)

The Observatory RNG is eliminated by restarting the checkpoint after destroying the amber after finding Del. This allows the bugs inside the cave to despawn, which is important, as only some of them follow Del out otherwise. When protecting Del, make sure none of the bugs fly back into the cave (for some reason some of them like doing this?). If they fly back in there, they don't get killed in a reasonable time, thus why Del stops. Same reason he stops for the midpoint. But just ensure no bugs fly back into the cave, and you're golden on his behavior. (Thanks to TannedBatman for using the restart of the checkpoint).

Finally found a way to eliminate the dumb RNG haha.

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