New Unofficial 100% WR
8 years ago
California, USA

So yeah... I got 12:27 while practicing offline. OpieOP

I won't update the leaderboard without a video though. I should be able to stream and beat this time within the next few days anyway. :)

Rupio menyukai ini

Gz on beating even your offline record by a lot.

I noticed you used some different routes compared to the old record. Any idea if this is the fastest. Mainly interested in the deathstar maze and the tatooine airspeeder part.

California, USA

Thanks! My old 100% had a lot of non-optimal routing, since I mainly worked on Any% originally. When I started 100%, I didn't work quite as hard on routing the new parts (also, there was no 100% TAS to refer to).

I'm working on a 100% Theory TAS right now, so I'm still discovering several new things. However, I believe the routing in the 2nd Death Star maze (to rescue Princess Leia) is now correct. Its saves about 8 seconds over the old route. (I believe I originally found the new route while watching a Let's Play on YouTube. Before that, I just used the map to follow what seemed to be a reasonable route.)

As for the Landspeeder routing, the only thing I noticed was a small difference when going from the Sandcrawler to Obi Wan's cave, if that's what you're referring to. The route in my old 12:42 video () may actually be both faster and easier, but somehow I totally forgot about it. (Also, I notice you go around the back of the cave in your PB. I'm pretty sure that's slower, but I'll check it out.) I'll have to take a look at that as I work on my TAS (which I'm doing in preparation for the 100% tutorial).

I like the way you handled the Cantina in your PB! I was so used to switching to the Light Saber when entering Mos Eisley (for Any%), that I just stuck with that, and it seemed like I needed it to kill certain enemies anyway. For some reason, I never thought about saving menu time by waiting until after rescuing Han Solo to switch to the Light Saber, and just avoiding the enemies along the way instead. You may notice I added your strat there to my latest PB. :)

One small thing to note is that if you let Luke fall off the edge of a platform instead of jumping, you lose about 20% of your speed until you land again (if you were going max speed). So unless you actually want to travel downwards (such as in Obi Wan's cave), you should jump from platform to platform whenever possible, instead of just falling to the lower platform. For instance, you'll notice me doing this in my PB just after the first conveyor belt in the Sandcrawler (when moving back to the left). There are also 2 places where you can do this in the Blue cave (which is the first one), although I did not think about it until after my PB.

It only saves 3 frames in cases where the higher platform is 1 Luke's height above the lower platform (or 2 frames where it is half-height, like that part I mentioned in the Sandcrawler), but in places where it's easy to do... Why not? :P

Diedit oleh penulis 8 years ago
California, USA

Congrats on your first 100% run! (And your new 55% PB.)

It looks like you're getting the platforming down, but that first Tie Fighter stage is tough! I'm not sure if you realized it at the time, but you actually died ¤after¤ killing the last Tie Fighter on your 2nd attempt. :(

(There are several attack patterns where they arrive in pairs right away, unless it's the last one, so that's how you can tell.)

Diedit oleh penulis 8 years ago

Yeah I noticed some speed reduction during some parts while not 'jumping downwards'. Mostly noticeable by not making the same distance for jumps following those parts, but had no idea how or why so thats something to take in mind.

My flying part was kinda blind in that run (didnt even knew what the fire lazers button was at the beginning) as it was a long time since I did that part. Specially surprised that I didnt die at the last deathstar part, also the reason I decided to upload the full run as it wasnt a super bad run, but has lots of room for improvement.

Muhahahahaz menyukai ini
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