STANDBY Speedrun Contest from the devs with prizes!
Details: !
There will be a special category for the contest so post there!
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XerxesAsuras menyukai ini
The demo build was just updated!
- The IGT timer in Speedrun mode now is continuous and won't reset or stop no matter what.
- The reset button for gamepad is "back" (xbox one controller).
- The bug with timer being different each time is fixed.
- Restart SR, this is the new function that let's you to start the speedrun from level one fast, without going to the menu.
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You can now submit your runs, please check the rules first ! Dont submit any runs from previous patches ! Good luck, Be fair !
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Berpacu terbaru
Level: Level #3
Level: Level #5
Level: Level #9
Level: Level #1