I broke some categories' leaderboards
1 year ago
British Columbia, Canada

Good news: the leaderboards look cleaner now, the main categories are based on True Demon Ending, any%, New Game+, or PC glitched, with difficulty as a subcategory.

The bad news, every run in the other categories vanished into the archives and I can't find them. I restored all the Orphaned runs for Normal any% and True Demon Ending, for some reason Mighty_Guard's merciful any% run was there. I asked exclitoL to re-submit his Merciful any% WR, hopefully we'll get it soon. In the meantime I will head to people's Twitch Highlights and re-submit all the runs I can find, the ones I remember anyway. If your run has disappeared because I forgot about you please re-submit it again. This includes any older runs that are slower, if you want them added to the board as Obsoleted runs for posterity.

While we're at it, this might be a good time to make a leaderboard for Dante% and Geis RTA if we want to make those into real misc categories.

Diedit oleh penulis 1 year ago

could always just make a cat ext sub board